wooque / site-bleacher

Remove automatically cookies, local storages, IndexedDBs, service workers, cache storages, filesystems and webSQLs
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Product development #25

Open Naytaco opened 1 month ago

Naytaco commented 1 month ago

Question to the author. Is the addon being developed or abandoned? The last update was in 2019. In the code, the "pluginData" type is already outdated. It is also unclear whether it works or not: // TODO: remove in next version chrome.storage.local.remove(["indexeddbs"]);

P.S. This is the only extension that completely clears cookies, unlike all other add-ons. It's a shame if it was abandoned.

wooque commented 1 month ago

Yeah, I'm not using it or maintaining it for years.

Naytaco commented 1 month ago

It's a pity that support has been abandoned. Can you tell me what, in your opinion, is the best addon for cleaning cookies? I've tried many different extensions. None of them clear everything completely.

Naytaco commented 1 month ago

Well-known extensions like Cookie AutoDelete and Cookiebro work poorly. They all leave traces.

wooque commented 1 month ago

I gave up on desire to delete all cookies, I just block all third party cookies, which are the ones that are the most problematic