wootguy / SevenKewp

Half-Life Co-op mod
17 stars 5 forks source link

Sven Co-op map support #7

Open wootguy opened 9 months ago

wootguy commented 9 months ago

A list of maps I've personally tested and confirmed are playable without major problems or missing features. Many maps need to be run through a script first to convert legacy entity logic and unsupported audio formats. I sometimes do a manual ripent for things that I don't want to deal with yet (e.g. trigger_push is weaker in this mod which can cause a softlock). A map porting guide and my set of .ent/.bsp files will come later. Possibly a separate map database as well.

Some porting work is needed for playing 5.x maps on a Half-Life server:

All BSP problems listed above are fixable with a master branch build of bspguy. There is a new "Porting Tools" menu and an engine selector, but there are no guides on how to use that stuff yet. Some tools like the texture downscaler are unfinished and only work with embedded textures.

Supported maps (updated 2024/11/17) ``` 5minutes_b1 6doors a_jungle_1 a_jungle_2 a_jungle_3 a_jungle_4 a_jungle_5 a_jungle_6 a_jungle_7 abandoned actual actual2 adayinhelle1 adayinhellf1 adventure_1 adventure_2 adventure_3 aemos aerodock1 afrikakorps1 afrikakorps2 afrikakorps3 afrikakorps_bonus agpain1 agpain2 agpain3 ahl_blockwar airport_beta airport_2_beta ak_rh_warehouse_ns alamo1 aom_intro aom_nightmare aom_hospital aom_hospital2 aom_garage aom_backalley aom_darkalley aom_city_hl aom_city2 aom_city3 aom_sick aom_sick2 aom_sick3 aom_forest aom_forhouse aom_forest2 aom_forest3 aom_heaven1 aom_heaven2 aom_end arc-novus-4 arcad_2v1 arcad_v1 arcad2_v1 archivesp01 arctic_ha arctic2_ha arctic3_ha arcticmission_hl area_zero area_zero_xen army as_crazytank as_crazytank2_r ascii_art2 aship1 assault assaultmesa2 assaultmesa2-2 auspices ayakashi_banquet azac base_attack1 base_attack2 battlefield battlefield_rush2 bdaw_c1a1 bdaw_c1a2 bdaw_c1a3 bdaw_c1a4 beachxp between bh1_l1 bh1_l1_bonus bh1_l2 blackfacility blackfacility2 blackmesaepf blastcorpse1 bm_geothermal bmsl_hl bmtcoop borgcube borgcube2 breakdown_heist_hl breakout_extended bridge2k bridge_the_gap brokenpath btx1_hl btx2_hl bunker bw camp canal-r captured carnival case1 case2 case3 case4 case5 case5a case6 case7 case8 case9 cassault1 central_bunker_r6 cg_xv city_invasion civildefence classic clockwork clonelab co1a co1b co1c co1d co1e co1f co1g co1h co1i co1j co1k co1end combined commap1 commap2 commap3 commap4 commap5 commap6 commap7 complex con3hl_1 con3hl_2 con3hl_3 con3hl_4 con3hl_5 con3hl_6 con3hl_7 con3hl_8 con3hl_9 con3hl_10 con3hl_11 con3hl_12 con3hl_13 con3hl_14_v2 con3hl_15 con3hl_16 con3hl_17 con3hl_18_v2 con3hl_19 conect contact_demo coop1 coop2 coop3 cr_wayne_hl craxnhax craxnhax1 craxnhax2 crazywalker_beta crisis1 crisis2 crystal crystal2 cs_zoption darkforest1 darkforest2 darkvoyage darkvoyagept2 dd deltar deluge_beta_v3 desertlab desolation deur devilmesa devious2_v2 die die2_1 die2_2 die_way dod_gauntlet dukemap2 dupa durga earthbase1 eastbase1 enc1 enc2 enc3 escape_series_1a escape_series_1b escape_series_2a escape_series_2b escape_series_2c escape_series_2d escape_series_2e escape_series_3a escape_series_3b escape_series_3c escape_series_3d escape_series_3e etc etc0b etc0b2 etc0c etc0c2 etc0d etc0e etc2_1 etc2_2 etc2_3 etc2_4 etc2_5 etc2_6 etc2_7 etc2_8 etc2_9 etf execommand execommand2 execommand3 exhale1platinum exhale2platinum exhale3platinum exhale1 exhale4a exhale4b exhale5a exhale5b exhale6 expermnt_r explosion extension extended ey_compo facilityfinal factions faraon1 faraon2 faraon3 faraon4 farmhouse finalfight fire_temple flee fn_underworld forest_clearing_1 forest_clearing_2 forest_clearing_3 fort_gorgon fragers_rock funhouse funny_apple_hunt_hl fy_vertstadt g-ara1 g-ara2 g-ara3 g-ara4 g-ara5 gash gausslabbeta2 gearsofwar2_r genge_ship getout1 gf_greybox ghost_buster gitfest1g gitfest2g gitfest3g gitfest4g gitfest5g gitfest6g gmansbuilding gmantowers goodoldtime gordonsci2 grunts grunts2 gruntwar gruntwar2 gut_reaction gr_generate gr_lab gr_tunnel3 gr_corentry gr_coremain gr_drainage gr_coremain2 gr_reactors gr_finale gv_mission1 halloween__blackwoods halloween_cemetery halloween_construction halloween_hospital haunted1 haunted2 haywire hezusbday high_rise_final1 hispeed hlywood horror hostage hostage2a hostage2b hplanet huntbgin_hl huntthehaunt icestormx inf_isc infested infested2 infiltrate inflight inhuman insertion2 insertion3 insertion4 insertion5 intruder invasion2 invasion3 invasion4 ioshockiron island isp2 isp3 isp4 isp5 isp6 it_has_leaks ivy jacked jailbreak jailbreak2 jbase1 justcause01 justcause02 justcause03 keenrace_beta19 kh1 kh2 kh3 kh4 kh5 kh6fix2 kilionny krabban kyper_kuutio_1 kyper_kuutio_2 kyper_kuutio_3 labflee labra_x25keenb2 last last2 last3 last4 leprechaun1 leprechaun2 leprechaun3 leprechaun3-2 little_mesa_v2 lostresource1 lostresource2 loz mansion_ha tob_ha matmanizm matmanizm2 mechanic01 mechanic02 mementocity militarystrike_beta2 miseryb6 mistake_coop_a mistake_coop_b mistake_coop_c mistake_coop_d mistake_coop_e mistake_coop_f mistake_coop_g mistake_coop_h mistake_coop_i mistake_coop_j mistake_credits_k mountainpass murks music nightmare-c1 nightmare-c2 nipper1_hl nipper2_hl-r nira1 nm_attackdefend nm_darkisland nm_gruntwars_a nm_gruntwars_b nm_gruntwars_c nm_gruntwars_d nm_helmsdeep nm_moria nm_uspninjas nonsenselol_b1 nothing nuearth oasis_v3_hl of_office op4two1 op4two2 op_blackmesa1 op_blackmesa2 op_blackmesa3 op_blackmesa4 op_blackmesa5 op_blackmesa6 op_blackmesa7 op_blackmesa8 op_blackmesa9 operationalpha operationalpha2 opalphacredits opposingforts_final opr1a1 opr1a2 opr1a3 opr1a4 opr1a5 opr1a6 opr1a7 osd_p01 osd_p02 osd_p03 osd_p04 osd_p05 osd_p06 osd_p07 osd_p08 osd_p09 osd_p10 osprey otokotati_no_kouzan peanyworldbeta1-1 peanyworldbeta1-2 phobia phoenixwalkeralpha13 pizza_ya_san1 pizza_ya_san2 population pow_in_the_year_3910 powernode1 powernode2 powernode3 prisonriot_erosion project_orion1 project_orion2 projectg1 projectg2 projectg3 projectg4 projectg5 projectg6 projectg7 projectgscrt1a projectgscrt1b projectg8 psychic_agog_beta puchi purge pve_building_rb qe_house qe_sky1 qe_sky2 qe_sky3 qe_sky4 ragemap rampage re_evil_directors_cut reco renegade_r rescue3 rhapsody_b1_1 rhapsody_b2_1 rhapsody3_beta1 road_to_shinnen rooftopwar rrrrrrrrr2 saving_private_tower sb3 sc_activist sc_activist2 sc_activist3 sc_alley sc_another sc_anotherv2_beta sc_army4final21 sc_assault sc_attack sc_avp sc_avp2 sc_avp3 sc_avp4 sc_avp5 sc_avp6 sc_avp7 sc_avp8 sc_avp9 sc_avp10_b2 sc_backattack sc_building sc_caget sc_campfire sc_catalyst sc_cliffside sc_complex sc_conspiracy sc_crazylab_final sc_cyberspy sc_danmaku sc_dead_zone sc_dead_zone2 sc_dead_zone3_final sc_dead_zone4_final sc_dead_zone4-2_final sc_deadthings_txt sc_deadthings2_txt sc_deadthings3_txt sc_death_mission_txt sc_death_mission2_txt sc_death_mission3_txt sc_death_mission4_txt sc_defmap_v3 sc_delta sc_desert sc_devian_legend sc_doc sc_duno_v3 sc_egypt sc_egypt2 sc_er sc_er2 sc_evermore sc_fortress sc_frogger_final sc_frontlinete1 sc_frostfire_beta1 sc_fuga warningcitymulp warningcity2mulp warningcity3mulp warningc llampyalto dejabu sc_gameover2_v2 sc_gosu sc_greysnake1 sc_halo sc_heist sc_hidden sc_inlimbo sc_intensity sc_kill_rusty4 sc_ksct sc_ksct2 sc_ksct2-fb sc_ksct_1a sc_lab sc_lexm_v1 sc_liberation sc_lipas_1_sp sc_mako sc_marioland marioland2a marioland2b sc_mazing sc_mirage1 sc_mision73 sc_night sc_nuclear_b01 sc_ooops sc_opd sc_operatives1 sc_outpost_v2 sc_outpost_v2_2 sc_outpost3-1 sc_persia sc_phantasmish_beta sc_rats_test2 sc_reflux sc_residue sc_robination sc_royals1 sc_royals2 sc_royals3 sc_royals4 sc_s28 sc_severed sc_silenthil_v1b sc_snowadventure sc_snowadventure_2 sc_soiled_b1 sc_sonic_b2 sc_space2 sc_spaceviking1 sc_spaceviking2 sc_straightreloaded sc_strangers sc_strangers2 sc_strangers3 sc_strangers4 sc_subsurface sc_subwaytrain sc_swars_installation sc_swars_installation1 sc_swars_installation2 sc_tension sc_tetris1 sc_tetris2 sc_tetris3 sc_tetris4 sc_tetris5 sc_tetris6 sc_thedoor sc_titans sc_tomb sc_tombofdeath_v12-1 sc_tombofdeath_v12-2 sc_tombofdeath_v12-3 sc_tombofdeath_v12-4 sc_tombofdeath_v12-5 sc_tombofdeath_v12-6 sc_toxic sc_trapped1 sc_trapped2 sc_trollworld sc_tropical1_final sc_tropical2_final sc_tropical3_final sc_underground sc_verc_18 sc_volt2 sc_volt2a sc_warcoast sc_waterflow sc_waterworks sc_wilkes sc_wilkes_b1 sc_wilkes_c2 sc_wilkes_d3 sc_worlds scirun seaside1a seaside1b seaside1c sectore sectore_1 sectore_2 sectore_3 sence_bdayfun_b2 septic_morass_demo sewer_systematic_f1 sewer_systematic_f2 sewer_systematic_f3 shanghai shattered sigur sigur_2 sigur_3 sledge sparrows_op_1 sparrows_op_kubra spb_act1 spb_act3 squad_gman1 squad_gman2 stacja starcraft starcraft2 storagearea2 strikeback1_beta3 subsurface suicide_run survivor1 survivor2extended survivor3 survivor4ext sv_unified svencoop1 svencoop2 svencooprpg svencooprpg2 svencooprpg3 swamp_ha sweethomecity syowa_japan tallbuilding tb_fun1f tb_fun2f tb_fun3 tb_mechanize tb_mech2 tb_mech3 tb_mech4 tb_mesagold tb_mesa2bgold tb_mesa2gold tb_mesa3gold tb_mesa4gold tb_mesa5gold tb_mesa6gold temp-916-r the_challenge the_daikon_warfare1 the_daikon_warfare2 the_daikon_warfare3 the_mission_beta the_prison_v2 the_red_area_sven the_room_demo thebackdoor thewinery theyrhungry_hl theyrhungry2 too_easy toohardmap1 toohardmap2 toohardmap3 toonrun1 toonrun2 toonrun3 tora torn2 tower1 tower2 tower3 tower4 tower5 tox_office_beta tox_slug1 tox_silo tox_surface1 tox_surface2 tox_surface3 tox_surface4 tox_surface5-1 tox_surface5-2 tox_surface8-0 tox_surface8-1 tox_surface8-2 tox_xen1-1 tox_xen1-2 tox_xen3-1 tox_xen3-2 tox_xen3-3 tox_xen5 traintrouble tsm_r_v3 tunnel tututu1 tututu2 tututu3 tututu4 tututu5 tututu6 tututu7 tututu8 tututu9 ub_iseki1 ub_iseki2 ub_megaman ub_megaman2 ub_megaman3 ub_nagoya_v2 uboapack ultra_monster_final underground underhalls underrain uprising vengeance vger vger2alpha virtualreality war war2 war3 warehouse-invasion warhouse weaponrun weaponrun2 why1 windowlicker wipeout_v2 wired wolf3dlvl1 sh_wolfenstein wreckhouse2 wreckhouse3 wrongworld wrongworld2 xenia ya_control_v3 yabma zero zombie_grunt_hunt zombie_grunt_hunt_2 zomlab ```
List of maps which are unplayable or need fixing ``` ----------------------------------------- MAPS THAT NEED CODE UPDATES TO FUNCTION ----------------------------------------- toadsnatch: - medkit - ghosts can keep playing pointless_b2: - robot gets stuck first move. Softlock. arcade: - breakable sound replacement sc_buildingjumper: - skill file or custom wep damage blackmesaarena: - item_inventory bmg-a1_getaway: - item_inventory bb_rock_shelter2: - item_inventory (also bad surfs, use wip map) arcad2_v1: - env_fog sc_apprehension: - scientist can't walk over gap accesspoint: - trigger_effect (scripted) - item_inventory ast_c01: - monster_cleansuit_scientist_dead - monster_alien_slave_dead - item_inventory - sentence sound replacement xen_bossrush: - SZ_GetSpace crash zubben: - nomaptrans cfg setting sence_zombietown_f4_beta: - env_fog - trigger_save sc_wartorn: - gman sequence fails (lowered door blocking it?) vger2beta: - item_inventory darkstar: - item_inventory uplinked: - env_fog uplink: - relative teleport sc_unreal: - replaceable sentence sounds (!SC_OK) trials_v1: - cube riding - push shouldn't touch clients? sc_toysoldiers: - textures too large (file read failure) - path_waypoint touhou_hakureijinja: - no respawn flag for squadmaker weapons - trurrets not attached to tank/copter tower6: - harrier stuck - ladder bug - hd models - ocean not moving - softlock after harriers? theylive: - item_inventory - env_fog - merged version too big for hl thevoid: - first and final jump not enough speed thestrike: - skill file sc_invasion_c1: - gargs broken (hitbox wrong or smth) sc_tetrisfancv11: - item_inventory schall_1: - env_fog sc_mountainre: - w_flashlight.mdl freezes client, map worked otherwise snarkcafe_bunker-beta2: - garg gets kicked into air softlock, no bombs snakes: - intro broken? even enuze edit. softlock. skylined: - skill file (super wrench) sc_tl_sky_fun_moon_final: - high hp stuff - pushables stuck source_of_life: - skill file shogo: - skill file (super damage) sc_tl_secrettask_1c: - shorten cutscenes... sc_russia: - env_fog ruoste_demo: - softlock if pressing button before using key sc_castle: - path_patrol - info_monster_goal - op4mortar quad_f: - fire on enter/exit ragemap2012: - monster_sqknest - env_sentence quiet_neighborhood: - copyvalue/... quarter: - info_monster_goal - monsters attacking breakables prisoned-4: - gate blocked by pushables(???) (check SetObjectCollisionBox) sc_porton_betav1: - item_inventory little_mesa: - op4mortar wrongworld2: - pendulum bridge got stuck (cant repro) escape_series_2a: - box bridge, other box can float away softlock polar_rescue (4.5): - env_camera (?) planet3c_r: - item_inventory hlplu_1: - info_tele_destination - sz_getspace crash ph_iv1: - item_inventory op_blackmesa9: - shotgun grunts holding rpgs?? osp3: - crowbar falls out of spinny thing devious2: - overlapping cafeteria music blackmesaepf: - mission 3 grunt gets stuck/runs away softlock svencoop1: - custom titles oberon14: - insane routing problem for medic, next node(?) across entire map (see wip map) noob: - fire on close or smth for battery spam door (use WIP map for push edit) sc_obstangle: - use weapons through walls / further distance eqclassic: - item_inventory - env_sentence never: - skill file mogul: - crashes - env_fog just_mansion: - weapon_custom/angelscript/ripent just_islave: - weapon_custom/angelscript gut_reaction: - custom titles hidoi_map1 - deagle laser sight sc_hammerhead4: - sci thinks you hurt him when blowing up mines, wont follow, softlock - npkill 2 works? - can't walk across gaps hellmouth: - monsters can't walk across gaps exposedb1: - pushable touch broken (slides off moving container) fired_01: - path_patrol sc_face: - op4mortar - func_op4mortarcontroller dread: - kingpin devious_trials1 - can run with box lifted from underneath - moving things rub the pushable and move it off the plat sc_death_mission2_txt: - keycard invisible because spawned inside entity croodcoop: - more button sounds bm_nightmare_d_final: - boxes get moved by elevator (touch needs to filter other pushables or smth) crossed_paths: - angelscript airport_2_beta: - monsters attacking breakables / breakables immune to players 5am: - use only items (item_security) shockraid_jungle: - tank can't rotate - drone tanks are bad too desertcircle: - op4mortar - func_op4mortarcontroller - env_fog sc_psyko: - ld models - stuckabat (alien controller jams the pig door) loz1_forest: - env_fog - trigger_change_class uni_v1: - _loop and _once behavior? deluge_beta_v3: - replace sentence sounds (barney + shocktrooper) - sniper ammo not precached mystic_radar: - env_fog defendthefort: - monsters attacking breakables better kyper_kuutio_1: - nonsolid func_wall_toggle at last cube part kyper_kuutio_3: - skill file cr_wayne: - mtower medkits not working bm64: - breakable spawn wrench - op4mortar - stukabat keen_birthday_part1_beta: - custom linear falloff ambient_generic leprechaun: - weapon pickup trigger (map 2) sc_inbound: - osprey not moving desolationp2: - bad endings not working - way too long defense sections huntbgn: - mp_npcdropweapons 0 - secret area behind pillar, supposed to have spritetrain virtual: - transparent pillar over pit didn't disappear softlock (removed from cycle) - broken ladder in pit (origin) - boss music not working or not turning off original e-lab-orate: - item_inventory ssa_hatshepsut: - alloc block full nohope: - needs split and remerge (use wip map 1 and gmr) ragemap2016: - banana grenade stackdeathpb1: - door fire on open/close/stop/etc - use wip snd models secretgarden: - bombs are broken somehow megamonstermassacre: - skill file mommamesa: - skill file for super gauss damage - use the wip maps from 4.8 coldburn: - client crash near base entrance sc_trapped2: - squids get stuck in ending cutscene ------------------------------------------------------ MAPS THAT NEED TO BE PORTED WITH BSPGUY OR C++ SCRIPTS ------------------------------------------------------ aniquilacion: - map too big (.map available!) aunit_1: - map too big af1: - map too big back_whispers_1_v2: - bad surface extents autonomy_lost1: - bad surface extents sc_arctic_escape: - bad surface extents adato1: - bad surface extents 123456: - redo the merge 101grnt1: - redo the merge xaxi: - redo the merge but for +/-4096 uboa_argentino(2): - map too big twhl_tower: - env_model_coop (scripted) - env_warpball (scripted) nickcagetomb1-4: - bad surface extents tele_down_b1: - bad surface extents reb: - too many bsp models sc_redfang: - model precache overflow ra_quad: - too many bsp models pagoda - marksurfaces overflow(?) lostmaze: - model precache overflow lostone: - model precache overflow meatworld: - bad surface extents jimblox_obby: - bad surface extents hauntedsouls_a1: - bad surface extents evilmansion: - too many BSP models sc_cyclone: - bad surface extents - fire on enter/exit for doors keenrace_2017: - way too many models sc_worms_series: - bad surface extents sc_darknebula: - model precache overflow desertbus_v1a: - bad surface extents legends_p01: - overflowed clipnodes!? sc_arctic_escape: - bad surface extents bigcave: - alloc block full bigcave2_b3: - alloc block full sc_confuse: - map too big sc_propanic_part_1: - too many BSP models sc_propanic_part_2: - hunk alloc failed ja_base: - too many bsp models castlemap: - forgot to run hlrad (removed from cycle) sc_castlevania: - map too big - alloc block full (try downscale wad textures) io_v1: map needs splitting desipite not exceeding limits. The game crashes at certain areas which you can see are missing when noclipping out of the map. have fun getting the secrets to work after the split. sc_mirage1 - alloc block full ```

All other maps not listed haven't been tested yet. I won't ever test sven PvP maps because mp_friendlyfire 1 works in this mod (no porting needed). Horde maps and endless maps are very low priority besides some iconic ones.

Any map that is "supported" should remain supported forever. If I break a map with code updates, then I fix it, not the mapper. The same goes for supported plugins, which is anything a supported map requires. Automated testing with bots is planned for later because it's not feasible to test thousands of maps every update. Until then, I welcome you to join the server below to work as an unpaid beta tester.