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chore(deps): update webpack packages #470

Closed renovate[bot] closed 6 years ago

renovate[bot] commented 6 years ago

This Pull Request renovates the package group "webpack".

Release Notes

webpack/webpack-dev-middleware ### [`v3.0.0`](https://github.com/webpack/webpack-dev-middleware/releases/v3.0.0) #### Updates - Webpack 4 (#​267) - remove watchOffset option in favor of time-fix-plugin #### Breaking Changes - Introduces full support for webpack v4 and removes support for lesser versions. - The `watchOffset` option has been removed and the README has been updated with alternative means of accomplishing the same result for this module and webpack v4. ---
webpack/webpack ### [`v4.0.0`](https://github.com/webpack/webpack/releases/v4.0.0) ### Big changes * Environment * Node.js 4 is no longer supported. Source Code was upgraded to a higher ecmascript version. * Usage * You have to choose (`mode` or `--mode`) between two modes now: production or development * production enables all kind of optimizations to generate optimized bundles * development enables comments and hint for development and enables the eval devtool * production doesn't support watching, development is optimized for fast incremental rebuilds * production also enables module concatenating (Scope Hoisting) * You can configure this in detail with the flags in `optimization.*` (build your custom mode) * `process.env.NODE_ENV` are set to production or development (only in built code, not in config) * There is a hidden `none` mode which disables everything * Syntax * `import()` always returns a namespace object. CommonJS modules are wrapped into the default export * This probably breaks your code, if you used to import CommonJs with `import()` * Configuration * You no longer need to use these plugins: * `NoEmitOnErrorsPlugin` -> `optimization.noEmitOnErrors` (on by default in production mode) * `ModuleConcatenationPlugin` -> `optimization.concatenateModules` (on by default in production mode) * `NamedModulesPlugin` -> `optimization.namedModules` (on by default in develoment mode) * `CommonsChunkPlugin` was removed -> `optimization.splitChunks`, `optimization.runtimeChunk` * JSON * webpack now handles JSON natively * You may need to add `type: "javascript/auto"` when transforming JSON via loader to JS * Just using JSON without loader should still work * allows to import JSON via ESM syntax * unused exports elimination for JSON modules * Optimization * Upgrade uglifyjs-webpack-plugin to v1 * ES15 support ### Big features * Modules * webpack now supports these module types: * javascript/auto: (The default one in webpack 3) Javascript module with all module systems enabled: CommonJS, AMD, ESM * javascript/esm: EcmaScript modules, all other module system are not available * javascript/dynamic: Only CommonJS and, EcmaScript modules are not available * json: JSON data, it's available via require and import * webassembly/experimental: WebAssembly modules (currently experimental) * `javascript/esm` handles ESM more strictly compared to `javascript/auto`: * Imported names need to exist on imported module * Dynamic modules (non-esm, i. e. CommonJs) can only imported via `default` import, everything else (including namespace import) emit errors * In `.mjs` modules are `javascript/esm` by default * WebAssembly modules * can import other modules (JS and WASM) * Exports from WebAssembly modules are validated by ESM import * You'll get a warning/error when trying to import a non-existing export from WASM * can only be used in async chunks. They doesn't work in initial chunks (would be bad for web performance) * Import modules using WASM via `import()` * This is an experimental feature and subject of change * Optimization * `sideEffects: false` is now supported in package.json * `sideEffects` in package.json also supports glob expressions and arrays of glob expressions * Instead of a JSONP function a JSONP array is used -> async script tag support, order no longer matter * New `optimization.splitChunks` option was introduced Details: https://gist.github.com/sokra/1522d586b8e5c0f5072d7565c2bee693 * Dead branches are now removed by webpack itself * Before: Uglify removed the dead code * Now: webpack removes the dead code (in some cases) * This prevents crashing when `import()` occur in a dead branch * Syntax * `webpackInclude` and `webpackExclude` are supported by the magic comment for `import()`. They allow to filter files when using a dynamic expression. * Using `System.import()` now emits a warning * You can disable the warning with `Rule.parser.system: true` * You can disable `System.import` with `Rule.parser.system: false` * Configuration * Resolving can now be configured with `module.rules[].resolve`. It's merged with the global configuration. * `optimization.minimize` has been added to switch minimizing on/off * By default: on in production mode, off in development mode * `optimization.minimizer` has been added to configurate minimizers and options * Usage * Some Plugin options are now validated * CLI has been move to webpack-cli, you need to install `webpack-cli` to use the CLI * The ProgressPlugin (`--progress`) now displays plugin names * At least for plugins migrated to the new plugin system * Performance * UglifyJs now caches and parallizes by default * Multiple performance improvements, especially for faster incremental rebuilds * performance improvement for RemoveParentModulesPlugin * Stats * Stats can display modules nested in concatenated modules ### Features * Configuration * Module type is automatically choosen for mjs, json and wasm extensions. Other extensions need to be configured via `module.rules[].type` * Incorrect `options.dependencies` configurations now throw error * `sideEffects` can be overriden via module.rules * `output.hashFunction` can now be a Constructor to a custom hash function * You can provide a non-cryto hash function for performance reasons * add `output.globalObject` config option to allow to choose the global object reference in runtime exitCode * Runtime * Error for chunk loading now includes more information and two new properties `type` and `request`. * Devtool * remove comment footer from SourceMaps and eval * add support for `include` `test` and `exclude` to the eval source map devtool plugin * Performance * webpacks AST can be passed directly from loader to webpack to avoid extra parsing * Unused modules are no longer unnecessarly concatenated * Add a ProfilingPlugin which write a (Chrome) profile file which includes timings of plugins * Migrate to using `for of` instead of `forEach` * Migrate to using `Map` and `Set` instead of Objects * Migrate to using `includes` instead of `indexOf` * Replaced some RegExp with string methods * Queue don't enqueues the same job twice * Use faster md4 hash for hashing by default * Optimization * When using more than 25 exports mangled export names are shorter. * script tags are no longer `text/javascript` and `async` as this are the default values (saves a few bytes) * The concatenated module now generates a bit less code * constant replacements now don't need `__webpack_require__` and argument is omitted * Defaults * webpack now looks for the `.wasm`, `.mjs`, `.js` and `.json` extensions in this order * `output.pathinfo` is now on by default in develoment mode * in-memory caching is now off by default in production * `entry` defaults to `./src` * `output.path` defaults to `./dist` * Use `production` defaults when omiting the `mode` option * Usage * Add detailed progress reporting to SourceMapDevToolPlugin * removed plugins now give a useful error message * Stats * Sizes are now shown in kiB instead of kB in Stats * entrypoints are now shows by default in Stats * chunks now display `<{parents}>` `>{children}<` and `={siblings}=` in Stats * add `buildAt` time to stats * stats json now includes the output path * Syntax * A resource query is supported in context * Referencing entry point name in `import()` now emits a error instead of a warning * Upgraded to acorn 5 and support ES 2018 * Plugins * `done` is now an async hook ### Bugfixes * Generated comments no longer break on `*/` * webpack no longer modifies the passed options object * Compiler "watch-run" hook now has the Compiler as first parameter * add `output.chunkCallbackName` to the schema to allow configurating WebWorker template * Using `module.id/loaded` now correctly bails out of Module Concatentation (Scope Hoisting) * OccurenceOrderPlugin now sorts modules in correct order (instead of reversed) * timestamps for files are read from watcher when calling `Watching.invalidate` * fix incorrect `-!` behavior with post loaders * add `run` and `watchRun` hooks for `MultiCompiler` * `this` is now undefined in ESM * VariableDeclaration are correctly identified as `var`, `const` or `let` * Parser now parse the source code with the correct source type (module/script) when the module type `javascript/dynamic` or `javascript/module` is used. * don't crash on missing modules with `buildMeta` of null * add `original-fs` module for electron targets * HMRPlugin can be added to the Compiler outside of `plugins` ### Internal changes * Replaced `plugin` calls with `tap` calls (new plugin system) * Migrated many deprecated plugins to new plugin system API * added `buildMeta.exportsType: "default"` for json modules * Remove unused methods from Parser (parserStringArray, parserCalculatedStringArray) * Remove ability to clear BasicEvaluatedExpression and to have multiple types * Buffer.from instead of new Buffer * Avoid using forEach and use for of instead * Use `neo-async` instead of `async` * Update tapable and enhanced-resolve dependencies to new major versions * Use prettier ### Removed features * removed `module.loaders` * removed `loaderContext.options` * removed `Compilation.notCacheable` flag * removed `NoErrorsPlugin` * removed `Dependency.isEqualResource` * removed `NewWatchingPlugin` * removed `CommonsChunkPlugin` ### Breaking changes for plugins/loaders * new plugin system * `plugin` method is backward-compatible * Plugins should use `Compiler.hooks.xxx.tap(, fn)` now * New major version of enhanced-resolve * Templates for chunks may now generate multiple assets * `Chunk.chunks/parents/blocks` are no longer Arrays. A Set is used internally and there are methods to access it. * `Parser.scope.renames` and `Parser.scope.definitions` are no longer Objects/Arrays, but Map/Sets. * Parser uses `StackedSetMap` (LevelDB-like datastructure) instead of Arrays * `Compiler.options` is no longer set while applying plugins * Harmony Dependencies has changed because of refactoring * `Dependency.getReference()` may now return a `weak` property. `Dependency.weak` is now used by the `Dependency` base class and returned in the base impl of `getReference()` * Constructor arguments changed for all `Module`s * Merged options into options object for `ContextModule` and `resolveDependencies` * Changed and renamed dependencies for `import() * Moved `Compiler.resolvers` into `Compiler.resolverFactory` accessible with plugins * `Dependency.isEqualResource` has been replaced with `Dependency.getResourceIdentifier` * Methods on `Template` are now static * A new RuntimeTemplate class has been added and `outputOptions` and `requestShortener` has been moved to this class * Many methods has been updated to use the RuntimeTemplate instead * We plan to move code which accesses the runtime to this new class * `Module.meta` has been replaced with `Module.buildMeta` * `Module.buildInfo` and `Module.factoryMeta` have been added * Some properties of `Module` have been moved into the new objects * added `loaderContext.rootContext` which points to the `context` options. Loaders may use it to make stuff relative to the application root. * add `this.hot` flag to loader context when HMR is enabled * `buildMeta.harmony` has been replaced with `buildMeta.exportsType: "namespace` * The chunk graph has changed: * Before: Chunks were connected with parent-child-relationships. * Now: ChunkGroups are connected with parent-child-relationships. ChunkGroups contain Chunks in order. * Before: AsyncDependenciesBlocks reference a list of Chunks in order. * Now: AsyncDependenciesBlocks reference a single ChunkGroup. * file/contextTimestamps are Maps now * `map/foreach` `Chunks/Modules/Parents` methods are now deprecated/removed * NormalModule accept options object in Constructor * Added required generator argument for NormalModule * Added `createGenerator` and `generator` hooks for NormalModuleFactory to customize code generation * Allow to customize render manifest for Chunks via hooks --- ### [`v4.0.1`](https://github.com/webpack/webpack/releases/v4.0.1) ### Features * add `version` property to webpack exports ### Bugfixes * `import()` with CJS now gives correct exports * Module concatenation bailout messages now point to correct module --- ### [`v4.1.0`](https://github.com/webpack/webpack/releases/v4.1.0) ### Features * add `filename` option to `optimization.splitChunks` to modify the filename template for splitted chunks * allow modules which doesn't emit code into the bundle ### Bugfixes * watchpack updated to 1.5.0 * performance fix for Module Concatenation (v8 bug) * fix using `this.xxx` in `ProvidePlugin` --- ### [`v4.1.1`](https://github.com/webpack/webpack/releases/v4.1.1) ### Features * Stats now displays the number of assets of a module ### Bugfixes * `sourceMap` option of the default UglifyJsPlugin now defaults to true when the SourceMapDevToolPlugin is used * `module.assets` is now working again in the Stats * chunk ids are not stringified on target node * `devtoolNamespace` default works now also for arrays passed to `output.library` * Format date with 2 digits in Stats for Build At * fix a bug renaming classes incorrectly * fix a bug where modules ignore the `chunks` option of `optimization.splitChunks` --- ### [`v4.2.0`](https://github.com/webpack/webpack/releases/v4.2.0) ### Features * add `splitChunks.automaticNameDelimiter` to configure the name separator for automatic names * `stats.excludeModules` now also accept booleans * webpack throws an error when trying to run in twice at a time * `performance` is disabled by default in non-web targets * AMD parser plugins can now be extended by inheriting ### Bugfixes * Fix a race condition when writing `events.json` in ProfilingPlugin * HMR runtime code is reverted to ES5 style * script timeout is not correctly in seconds * reexporting JSON exports works correctly now * fix a bug when combining ProfilingPlugin with SourceMapDevToolPlugin * add a missing semicolon to the runtime code ---


webpack/webpack-dev-middleware #### v3.0.0 - [`fbad3a9`](https://github.com/webpack/webpack-dev-middleware/commit/fbad3a9543fa90e08ccb7c5edbd3bcb9e2dc1c31)Webpack 4 (#​267) - [`878aecd`](https://github.com/webpack/webpack-dev-middleware/commit/878aecd709b161a6cbbbd6e15dd14ba105b1e194)remove watchOffset option in favor of time-fix-plugin - [`78e9879`](https://github.com/webpack/webpack-dev-middleware/commit/78e98794e5fff0728c1d33657cddbcc192a6ccb7)3.0.0 #### v3.0.1 - [`1f1a117`](https://github.com/webpack/webpack-dev-middleware/commit/1f1a117e220f5257dc770d8be4f8775b1460f186)Update package.json (#​271) - [`843686b`](https://github.com/webpack/webpack-dev-middleware/commit/843686b8940612f055632f785cfd8f15e51918db)perf: A nitpick, make it better. (#​273) - [`955e53e`](https://github.com/webpack/webpack-dev-middleware/commit/955e53e1b522ab8e84797fa88a1f86bc1b14dc42)Fix Windows Paths (#​276) - [`8cefebd`](https://github.com/webpack/webpack-dev-middleware/commit/8cefebdf2c0a6050b85648774960965213b660fa)add appveyor config (#​280) - [`14de0b9`](https://github.com/webpack/webpack-dev-middleware/commit/14de0b99cbdf2d3de54bdc24eeb5ab504d43685f)3.0.1
webpack/webpack #### v4.1.0 - [`2e3d319`](https://github.com/webpack/webpack/commit/2e3d319b8b7879c30d8453bdcde18a9fe173d4d9)Merge pull request #​6648 from cheapsteak/patch-1 - [`00f70fc`](https://github.com/webpack/webpack/commit/00f70fc65cab43d682c80264c959eff81db531b4)Merge pull request #​6645 from zacanger/fix/6644 - [`81235e1`](https://github.com/webpack/webpack/commit/81235e133121f1896a1b469d10f40e8381539d90)Add stats.moduleAssets to show assets inside modules in the Stats - [`8eba694`](https://github.com/webpack/webpack/commit/8eba694775bb6d48cf417a68e13b8c1712ddbfb2)Merge pull request #​6650 from webpack/bump_watchpack - [`e12f414`](https://github.com/webpack/webpack/commit/e12f414a15c13d88b3e4b269c34558ad4a8f1a72)larger timeouts to make CI more stable - [`f916fc0`](https://github.com/webpack/webpack/commit/f916fc0bb70585cf04a92cd99e004e4879f1d337)4.1.0 #### v4.1.1 - [`bb2320c`](https://github.com/webpack/webpack/commit/bb2320cf13c4444f22714ed328e6655e4c97f5a0)Update Stats.js - [`1248616`](https://github.com/webpack/webpack/commit/1248616af0ad6cdfc7c5b1113e092ec5b3b484f6)convert arrow function to normal function - [`6970103`](https://github.com/webpack/webpack/commit/6970103b7907be08d5cd37dd03d7687bcc609233)Merge pull request #​6627 from Hoten/feat-uglifyjs-default-sourcemap - [`23208a3`](https://github.com/webpack/webpack/commit/23208a311ca2fce52a36db7d4fe38cda2eac0747)Show plural if assets are more than one - [`01a5224`](https://github.com/webpack/webpack/commit/01a52249d17dc4a595b4d7c67a3d549cf690f524)Merge pull request #​6664 from webpack/ci/test-timeout - [`1b37115`](https://github.com/webpack/webpack/commit/1b37115e4bad95cfdeefd49cfd1062e56ddd69f5)Make AMD parser modules extensible - [`2428b14`](https://github.com/webpack/webpack/commit/2428b14ab3cf49423f09b241f681f08129649952)Fix linter error - [`ae2ae4e`](https://github.com/webpack/webpack/commit/ae2ae4e50401671e0a7b36bb0f35f44a831c5af3)Merge pull request #​6640 from clarkdo/module-assets - [`c86cc80`](https://github.com/webpack/webpack/commit/c86cc80c0c72c511eb50045a2c456061294d8fca)Remove erronious this.parser assignments in apply methods - 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[`4f39932`](https://github.com/webpack/webpack/commit/4f399322ad1922ae7bafdeea1c4d83bf9c9851a7)Merge pull request #​6641 from tmilloff/master - [`c54df36`](https://github.com/webpack/webpack/commit/c54df369b5156acd7c8f2e45df08c271928e9b87)Merge pull request #​6609 from marcalexiei/configuration-version-error - [`800e7f9`](https://github.com/webpack/webpack/commit/800e7f967bc55a54e2fd57566dabc942104ecb72)fix #​6688 - [`edbb6f6`](https://github.com/webpack/webpack/commit/edbb6f64bd630b89e9d228df0bec146efb40373c)Merge pull request #​6670 from SimenB/patch-1 - [`8a59ef7`](https://github.com/webpack/webpack/commit/8a59ef79b3124f76cbc6b19f19b2276f06178b6d)Merge pull request #​6689 from webpack/bugfix/issue-6688 - [`07c1f6d`](https://github.com/webpack/webpack/commit/07c1f6d86f5e701f7df201687f6e99dd16e449d6)Prevent webpack from running twice at a time - [`81a1cd8`](https://github.com/webpack/webpack/commit/81a1cd8caad06f4c637dcbde7fa9d60609d8295c)Lint the tests - [`60a5edc`](https://github.com/webpack/webpack/commit/60a5edc48db185b3b9826769d7ba9bf084c8e32b)Wrap callback in compiler's run method - [`44e02f4`](https://github.com/webpack/webpack/commit/44e02f46d68d45a832a33645376de8989dd8755b)Wrap callback in watcher's close method - [`e225d10`](https://github.com/webpack/webpack/commit/e225d1005cb17994f024a6cfcfc2c8b5ac6218c4)Fix compiler tests - [`9f60f50`](https://github.com/webpack/webpack/commit/9f60f506444c795f6db57f6513c72f4e77f7a874)Prevent multi compiler from running twice at a time - [`4d68350`](https://github.com/webpack/webpack/commit/4d6835012849d782e25864ac7653928ebea826db)fix bug where modules are put into the wrong chunk - [`37f7681`](https://github.com/webpack/webpack/commit/37f7681be16e60902364111be439fff408241541)Merge pull request #​6697 from webpack/bugfix/split-chunks - [`41bb63a`](https://github.com/webpack/webpack/commit/41bb63ad69d0f32c042e74e732cb045b5966c452)4.1.1 #### v4.2.0 - [`cdeffb3`](https://github.com/webpack/webpack/commit/cdeffb39b06c2a5d56af9e34576d5de66b6d6a54)fix(ProfilingPlugin): only expose the end method of fsStream - [`bd043f8`](https://github.com/webpack/webpack/commit/bd043f8e26faeaaabf03cd71dc18c6e96fddc03d)fix lint - [`36db321`](https://github.com/webpack/webpack/commit/36db321e9c23c16ff227fb3d029d851cd8f2729f)Added chunkFilenameDelimiter option for SplitChunksPlugin - [`b803c64`](https://github.com/webpack/webpack/commit/b803c649eeaa9617353ea4db719381116a579044)Added chunkFilenameDelimiter option for SplitChunksPlugin: Fixed parameter - [`ddb78d7`](https://github.com/webpack/webpack/commit/ddb78d7c0ad0da8c793a270830468bdef9099eda)Added chunkFilenameDelimiter option for SplitChunksPlugin: Fixed Typo - [`085d288`](https://github.com/webpack/webpack/commit/085d2885e4d40bee87663f0bb7f807da1fbbca40)Added chunkFilenameDelimiter option for SplitChunksPlugin: Added tests and fixed code style - [`7a19190`](https://github.com/webpack/webpack/commit/7a191904f6357e5cf4c563dfbfcf83d606bb9c3d)bot: Encapsulate output logs in details tag - [`37b4ecf`](https://github.com/webpack/webpack/commit/37b4ecf4e32bb26a7ad386c8d4c4718e501616d2)Only declare mocha globals inside dir - [`fbeb415`](https://github.com/webpack/webpack/commit/fbeb415ad4c11dbe9c88e446890f5d677a1e110b)Prettify - [`66ff412`](https://github.com/webpack/webpack/commit/66ff412f7e2409ee535c2dc79abf4068015b2e22)Merge pull request #​6723 from alberto/eslint-env - [`bda8d52`](https://github.com/webpack/webpack/commit/bda8d5281051a2baf84fc61761a8a7cad02c05d9)Added chunkFilenameDelimiter option for SplitChunksPlugin: Applied requested changes - [`771bf85`](https://github.com/webpack/webpack/commit/771bf859a66315de0826c9e23798fe41ee70fd30)Added chunkFilenameDelimiter option for SplitChunksPlugin: Fixed test issue - [`3ac042a`](https://github.com/webpack/webpack/commit/3ac042a5a86a658c24af122740ba35e60b90a4b4)bot: Add Summary and remaining errors to output - [`7c0c1a0`](https://github.com/webpack/webpack/commit/7c0c1a089ee3b7ad665f1d0a3105c7b262846b56)Options: default performance to false if not the web/webworker target(#​6715) - [`07571fe`](https://github.com/webpack/webpack/commit/07571fefddb64b7186b1161d050bf596de339d59)add tests - [`6ddba9b`](https://github.com/webpack/webpack/commit/6ddba9b323f8e7ada792b64b21e56a8bee0c6c71)Merge pull request #​6712 from ManuelBauer/master - 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wopian commented 6 years ago

Deploy preview for hibari failed.

Built with commit e8795506844b778eacafb01e01efead420983837


wopian commented 6 years ago

Waiting for better documentation and better deprecation errors from existing plugins