worawit / blutter

Flutter Mobile Application Reverse Engineering Tool
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kClassIdTagPos and kClassIdTagSize has different value before v2.19.0 #36

Closed yzctzl closed 5 months ago

yzctzl commented 5 months ago

when trying analysis this arm64-v8a.zip, blutter crash without any error message.


i found it is due to ClassIdTag haven't proper decoding, lead app.GetClass(cid) get null: https://github.com/worawit/blutter/blob/73d204719ff473a62c50a55e1794889d8bd7a8b7/blutter/src/CodeAnalyzer_arm64.cpp#L2532

kClassIdTagPos and kClassIdTagSize has different value before dart sdk v2.19.0: https://github.com/dart-lang/sdk/commit/9182d5e5359988703a2b8a88c238f47a5295e18c#diff-e2d3fa264174761dfda0d15a527f72dc24d301a490f98832709f2caec5fdb5fe

I will submit a pull request try to fix this, thanks a lot.