worawit / blutter

Flutter Mobile Application Reverse Engineering Tool
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Missing files #5

Closed sirendz124 closed 9 months ago

sirendz124 commented 9 months ago

Traceback (most recent call last): File "D:\PyCharm2022.2.3\blutter\scripts\dartvm_create_srclist.py", line 72, in srcs = get_default_src_files(os.path.join(BASEDIR, 'lib', lib+'_sources.gni')) File "D:\PyCharm2022.2.3\blutter\scripts\dartvm_create_srclist.py", line 27, in get_default_src_files objs = extract_sources(gni_file) File "D:\PyCharm2022.2.3\blutter\scripts\dartvm_create_srclist.py", line 9, in extract_sources with open(gni_file, 'r') as f: FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '.\lib\async_sources.gni' Traceback (most recent call last): File "blutter.py", line 140, in main(args.indir, args.outdir, args.rebuild, args.vs_sln) File "blutter.py", line 102, in main fetch_and_build(dart_version, arch, os_name) File "D:\PyCharm2022.2.3\blutter\dartvm_fetch_build.py", line 75, in fetch_and_build cmake_dart(ver, arch, os_name, outdir) File "D:\PyCharm2022.2.3\blutter\dartvm_fetch_build.py", line 60, in cmake_dart subprocess.run([sys.executable, CREATE_SRCLIST_FILE, target_dir], check=True) File "D:\Python38\lib\subprocess.py", line 512, in run raise CalledProcessError(retcode, process.args, subprocess.CalledProcessError: Command '['D:\Python38\python.exe', 'D:\PyCharm2022.2.3\blutter\scripts\dartvm_create_srclist.py', 'D:\PyCharm2022.2.3\blutter\dartsdk\v3.0.5']' returned non-zero exit status 1.

worawit commented 9 months ago

From the error, I guess it because git cloning dart sdk failed in previous run.

Try pull the latest commit and try again. Now, I check cloning completion instead of check the existence of dart directory.

worawit commented 9 months ago

Do you have properly environment setup? I think the line of error is executing "git" command but cannot find it.

On windows, you need python, git, Visual Studio with C++ compiler and CMake. Then, you have to start in dev command prompt.

worawit commented 9 months ago

On Windows, you have to run this tool from "x64 Native Tools Command Prompt" (see README.md). This prompt will set environments for using MS Build tools (including cl, cmake and ninja from Visual Studio). You don't have to install standalone CMake on your machine. If you do not want to install Visual Studio, you can run this tool on Debian sid/trixie. It can be run in container/VM/WSL.

worawit commented 9 months ago

The error line is for checking 64 bit compiler. An error message shows that cmake cannot detect compiler.

There might be something wrong from previous cmake run and cached. You can try deleting "D:\PyCharm2022.2.3\blutter\build\dartvm3.0.1_android_arm64" and try again.

sirendz124 commented 9 months ago

The error line is for checking 64 bit compiler. An error message shows that cmake cannot detect compiler.

There might be something wrong from previous cmake run and cached. You can try deleting "D:\PyCharm2022.2.3\blutter\build\dartvm3.0.1_android_arm64" and try again.

I resolved this issue after deleting it. Thank you very much