worawit / blutter

Flutter Mobile Application Reverse Engineering Tool
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Wrong full snapshot version #59

Open mragonias opened 2 months ago

mragonias commented 2 months ago

exception: Wrong full snapshot version, expected 'adb4292f3ec25074ca70abcd2d5c7251' found '03c0fddd0fbd19444cc358ba77e3de01'

Hi Worawit, What do you think about this error? Its a blutter error?? Or is anything else....


worawit commented 1 month ago

I think it is custom flutter build. No snapshot '03c0fddd0fbd19444cc358ba77e3de01' in any released Dart version.

The Dart version can still be detected. You can force using the snapshot hash in the libapp.so by removing v2.19.2 build in "dartsdk" and "packages/lib" folder and running blutter.py again.