wordplaydev / wordplay

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Splitting text breaks emojis #424

Closed amyjko closed 3 months ago

amyjko commented 3 months ago

Expected behavior

Splitting a text value like 'hi😀' → [] should result in ['h' 'i' '😀']

Actual behavior

It results in ['h' 'i' '�' '�']

This is likely caused by not using our grapheme segmentation in the split.

Design specification

If this defect requires some redesign, include a design proposal here (and if you don't have one, add the needs design label, and you can just write TBD here). Design proposals should describe, in precise detail what the proposed design is, but not necessarily how it might be built. Note that the design proposal for a defect should align with the expected behavior you described above.

Once the design is approved, we will add the buildable tag is added.