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PostList: Improve snackbar copy after user edits a published post #10463

Open malinajirka opened 4 years ago

malinajirka commented 4 years ago

If the user edits a published post in offline and confirms the changes (click on Update button), we show "Post will be published next ..." message. We might want to consider replacing this message with "Changes will be published next...".

@osullivanchris Should we update the copy even for scheduling. The current copy is "Post will be scheduled next ...", should we change it to "Changes will be scheduled next..."?

osullivanchris commented 4 years ago

@malinajirka just thinking through the flow

I think in this issue you are referring to (a), is that correct?

I do think it needs to change. Saying "Post will be scheduled..." makes it sound like its being scheduled for the first time. But it was already scheduled.

If (a) we want to tell them that the post is still scheduled but the changes will become part of that when they come online. Our current sentence structure doesn't work very well so it might need to be re-worked. Something like "Your scheduled post will be amended next time your device is online" or "Changes to your scheduled post will be uploaded next time your device is online"

If (b) we want to tell them that the scheduling time will be updated next time they're online. Something like "The scheduling time of your post will be updated next time your device is online"

If (a) and (b) it needs to say that the changes will be added to the post and the scheduling date will be updated when they come online. Not gonna write that one right now as its tricky!

OR for all 3 we could say "Changes to your scheduled post will be uploaded next time you're online"

malinajirka commented 4 years ago

Wow, great analysis!

I think we don't want to differentiate what has changed in the post - I don't even think we know it in the app -> I really like the last proposal "Changes to your scheduled post will be uploaded next time you're online".

osullivanchris commented 4 years ago

Ok cool even though that message is generalised a little bit i think it is clear. And if we went too specific we could end up making it more confusing. So lets go with that!

shiki commented 4 years ago

@osullivanchris Trying to understand what the decision is. Did we agree to use these?

osullivanchris commented 4 years ago

@shiki that's right!