wordpress-mobile / WordPress-Android

WordPress for Android
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Self Signed SSL login works for 6.9.1, does not work for 7.0, 7.x #6416

Open hgkamath opened 6 years ago

hgkamath commented 6 years ago

I was on autoupdate on google-play-app-store Downgraded to 6.9.1 tried a few things. I'm going to not upgrade beyond 6.9.1 for a while.

Expected behavior

Actual behavior

Steps to reproduce the behavior

1) made fresh self signed CA certificate and server certificate create a cacert.pem, priv.key, host.crt, host.key as described in http://www.eclectica.ca/howto/ssl-cert-howto.php 2) desktop: add certificate to firefox on desktop browser 3) desktop: check that wordpress working from desktop browser 4) android: add cacert.pem into android settings->general->security->certificates->user 5) android: check that wordpress site working from android browser 6) install and try each wordpress apk

App logs uploaded for both cases wp70_log.txt wp691_log.txt

Repeated a few times to be sure 7.0, vercode:376 was released on Apr-4-2017: API:16-25 6.9.1, vercode:360 was released on Mar-28-2017: API:16-25 I had not noticed this sooner as had not used wordpress app on phone for a while

Tested on [device], Android [version]

LG G3 D855 Android 6.0 lollypop V30b-GLOBAL-COM

maxme commented 6 years ago

@hgkamath , thanks for this super detailed description. I'll have a look at the problem ASAP.

Note: it's supposed to be supported in 7.x and our network layer supports it. Likely something wrong in the app.

maxme commented 6 years ago

In the 7.x logs, I see:

SSLPeerUnverifiedException: Hostname XXX.XXX.XX.XX not verified

@hgkamath are you entering your IP address directly like in the site URL when you try to sign in? I think that's the problem, the hostname defined in the SSL cerficate is different from that address.

I'm not sure what Web browsers do, maybe they ignore the hostname when the certificate is added as an exception (we could do that).

hgkamath commented 6 years ago

I apologize for late reply. I just checked page after many days.

your hunch could be in the right direction. Browsers don't seem to have a trouble with IP:port and hostname issues.

As mine is a simple self-hosted setup, client:laptop to server:PC on home wifi, i haven't made official dns/nis hostnames other than a mention in /etc/hostname which too I seldom use. As a one person user, its much simpler to just access using https://IP:port. subtleties:

The above ssl-cert-howto link says "The Common Name must be (or the IP address must resolve to) the server name your clients use to contact your host. If this does not match, every time they connect your clients will get a message asking them if they want to use this server. In effect, the client software is saying, "Warning! You asked for mail.sample.com; the responding machine's certificate is for smtp.sample.com. Are you sure you want to continue?""

so which is why I think think naming should not be strict, and if a User really wants to

So maybe there needs to be a stored "I accept the consequences" setting for each separately or combined for each of the issues of self-signed certificates

This happens quite commonly in internal/private/self hosted/non public setups. One wonders why SSL is needed at all.

hgkamath commented 6 years ago

I tried making several certificates to see if somehow something would accept.

Wordpress-8.0 seems to have an additional problem in "Its New Login Experience" Additionally, my wordpress site is hosted on a location-path /wordpress from the httpd document root The wordpress app, perhaps cannot even reach the /wordpress/xml-rpc.php path the httpd access logs show: XXX.XXX.XX - - [20/Aug/2017:17:05:20 -0400] "GET / HTTP/1.0" 400 362 "-" "-" This additional issue maybe ought to be a bug on its own.

Summarizing the peculiarities of my setup

nextcloud client hosted on /nextcloud works with no issues

hgkamath commented 6 years ago

wordpress-mobile/wordpress-android uses android.webkit

SSL certificate using SAN field The below apply if one were using a ssl certificate with extended SAN field in addition to the CN. I am not. I am using only a CN


Chrome 58 - Not secure, certificates must have Subject Alternative Name, not supporting self signed certificate without SAN https://www.reddit.com/r/sysadmin/comments/677hep/chrome_58_not_supporting_self_signed_certificates/ https://bugs.chromium.org/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=308330

https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1245280 since firefox-48, if san is present, it won't fall back to common name

[ v3_req ] subjectAltName = @alt_names ...

[ v3_ca ] subjectAltName = @alt_names ...

[ alt_names ] # DNS.1 = example.com IP.1 = XXX.XXX.XX.XX

https://cabforum.org/guidance-ip-addresses-certificates/ https://wiki.mozilla.org/CA/Required_or_Recommended_Practices

https://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc3280.txt RFC 3280: Subject Alternative Name https://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc5280.txt

usually the common-name is repeated as the first san https://cabforum.org/guidance-ip-addresses-certificates/

SSL certificate for public IP address https://serverfault.com/questions/193775/ssl-certificate-for-a-public-ip-address

hgkamath commented 6 years ago

workaround seems to be

The bug seems to be that the "accept exception" option isn't really working like it is supposed to , in a manner similar to nextcloud-app/android-android browsers

I do think, however, that when user wants to make a self-signed exception, user really means to make an exception regardless of how improper the certificate is.

There seems to be 6 kinds of Allows (1) no SSL (2) proper SSL with verification against system global-CA-certificates (3) self-signed SSL SAN-field certificate with verification against user installed self-CA-certificate (4) self-signed SSL CN-only certificate with verification against user installed self-CA-certificate (5) stored exception: self-signed SSL SAN-field certificate with server exception without self-CA verification (6) stored exception: self-signed SSL CN-only certificate with server exception without self-CA verification

My issue - previously i was doing (6), problem started with wordpess-7, first switched to (4), didn't work, then switched to (3) which seems to work

Apps involved desktop: firefox, nextcloud-client android: firefox, chrome, brave, nextcloud, wordpress

On Wordpress-8.0, otherwise so far app looks good, works as expected

mzorz commented 6 years ago

awesome! Thanks for the thorough report! Will keep an eye on this

stale[bot] commented 4 years ago

This issue has been marked as stale because:

Please comment with an update if you believe this issue is still valid or if it can be closed. This issue will also be reviewed for validity and priority (cc @designsimply).

designsimply commented 4 years ago
The bug seems to be that the "accept exception" option isn't really working like it is supposed to

@hgkamath am I understanding correctly that this is only the case if the hostname defined in the SSL certificate is different from the IP address you are entering in the app to log in and that option (3) to use a self-signed SSL SAN-field certificate with verification against user installed self-CA-certificate is an acceptable workaround for you?

hgkamath commented 4 years ago

I don't have the setup to test presently, but I reply from memory. Yes, configuration (3) became my workaround for the original configuration of (6) and was acceptable workaround, the grudge being that it made things more tedious The bug was in android-wordpress-app. problem started with the its upgrade. Nothing else was changed and the android-nextcoud-app did not have any issue.

It used to be the case that, for self signed test servers, one had to just quickly create an self-signed SSL certificate. with the vhost name and get the clients (android-security/browser) upon first connection to accept the SSL as an exception, and also permanently store the exception, which they would with no fuss.

machine/server were accesssed using a port based vhosts https[colon]//ipv4-address:portno/wordpresspath There is no name resolution on the client

After the upgrade, things stopped working. In order to make things work I had to do two things 1) copy the self CA certificate to client machine and include it in the client pre-installed certificate lists in the android-security/browser 2) change the way the SSL was made from CN-only to using a san field

Both the above changes were not intuitive, and only came to know after much reading and experimenting. I think configuration (6) is the typical way in which things are done for a private test server. This isn't a security lapse because no-one sets-up such self-signed server for public or accepting self-signed certificates for arbitrary public servers.

nb. I have not tested since then, so I cannot say if subsequent updates undid the problem. I think it unlikely, but I speculate if this extra work is now some sort of new best practice of making things secure/stringent The phrasing is apt : The bug seems to be that the "accept exception" option isn't really working like it is supposed to

stale[bot] commented 3 years ago

This issue has been marked as stale because:

Please comment with an update if you believe this issue is still valid or if it can be closed. This issue will also be reviewed for validity and priority during regularly scheduled triage sessions.