wordpress-mobile / WordPress-Editor-iOS

⛔️ [DEPRECATED] A reusable iOS rich text editor component.
GNU General Public License v2.0
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Word count #606

Open bummytime opened 9 years ago

bummytime commented 9 years ago

A user requested that we provide a word count in the editor:

Is there a way to display told find how many words are on a page or post before it is published?

coreh commented 9 years ago

Would be nice if this info was hidden "above the fold" when you scroll the post, particularly on smaller devices.

rachelmcr commented 8 years ago

Another user requested (in an app store review) that we add a word count.

For comparison, in Calypso the word count appears in the bottom right corner of the editor (only visible when you scroll to the bottom of the editor, not pinned to the bottom right):

2016-05-03 11 46 17

rachelmcr commented 7 years ago

A user sent us feedback (Ref: AppbotX 26970) requesting this feature:

A word count in the writing screen, when creating a new post would be beneficial

joesondow commented 7 years ago

Are there any plans to implement this any time soon? It would be enormously helpful.

rachelmcr commented 7 years ago

This was requested again recently in an app review:

I primarily use this for writing draft blog posts. I'd love to see a word count featured added.

@joesondow We aren't currently working on this feature, but we are tracking requests and will consider adding it in the future. Patches are also welcome! :)