wordpress-mobile / WordPress-Login-Flow-Android

Pluggable WordPress login flow for Android
GNU General Public License v2.0
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Feature/6989 login local notifications iteration iii #89

Closed JorgeMucientes closed 1 year ago

JorgeMucientes commented 1 year ago

Part of WooCommerce Login Help Notifications Itearion 3


Essentially these changes don't change the behavior of anything from the Login library. This just changes the visibility of a couple of constant values as well as getStep() function from private to protecrted or public depending on the case.

Why we need this in WooCommerce? We are extending some of the existing Fragments in the login library to add some UI changes or like in this specific case to be able to handle custom actions when loginState is updated. With these small changes we now can do this in WooCommerce Android:

class WooLoginEmailPasswordFragment : LoginEmailPasswordFragment() {
    companion object {
        fun newInstance(
            emailAddress: String?,
            password: String?,
            idToken: String?,
            service: String?,
            isSocialLogin: Boolean,
            allowMagicLink: Boolean = false,
            verifyMagicLinkEmail: Boolean = false
        ): WooLoginEmailPasswordFragment {
            val fragment = WooLoginEmailPasswordFragment()
            val args = Bundle()
            args.putString(ARG_EMAIL_ADDRESS, emailAddress)
            args.putString(ARG_PASSWORD, password)
            args.putString(ARG_SOCIAL_ID_TOKEN, idToken)
            args.putString(ARG_SOCIAL_SERVICE, service)
            args.putBoolean(ARG_SOCIAL_LOGIN, isSocialLogin)
            args.putBoolean(ARG_ALLOW_MAGIC_LINK, allowMagicLink)
            args.putBoolean(ARG_VERIFY_MAGIC_LINK_EMAIL, verifyMagicLinkEmail)
            fragment.arguments = args
            return fragment

    interface Listener {
        fun onPasswordError()

    private lateinit var onPassWordErrorListener: Listener

    override fun onAttach(context: Context) {
        if (activity is Listener) {
            onPassWordErrorListener = activity as Listener

    @Subscribe(threadMode = ThreadMode.MAIN, sticky = true)
    override fun onLoginStateUpdated(loginState: LoginState) {
        if (loginState.step == FAILURE_EMAIL_WRONG_PASSWORD) {

Basically, create a new WooLoginEmailPasswordFragment that enables us overriding fun onLoginStateUpdated() and that way schedule a "local" notification when the user runs into issues entering a valid password for their account.