Open dzver opened 2 days ago
Thanks for reporting! 👍
Hey, thanks for the report!
RCA – likely one of these criteria:
private func syncMoreContentIfNeeded(for tableView: UITableView, indexPathForVisibleRow indexPath: IndexPath) {
let criticalRow = tableView.numberOfRows(inSection: indexPath.section) - loadMoreThreashold
guard let syncHelper = syncHelper, (indexPath.section == tableView.numberOfSections - 1) && (indexPath.row >= criticalRow) else {
let shouldLoadMoreItems = syncHelper.hasMoreContent
&& !syncHelper.isSyncing
&& !cleanupAndRefreshAfterScrolling
&& !siteBlockingController.isBlockingPosts
&& !readerPostService.isSilentlyFetchingPosts
if shouldLoadMoreItems {
I don't know why it has to be this complicated.
Expected behavior
I expect the Reader feed to not end
Actual behavior
It sometimes ends, and when it ends, I can't resume it. Going back and forth doesn't fix it, it doesn't restart when I scroll up
Steps to reproduce the behavior
Scroll until it ends
Tested on [device], iOS [version], Jetpack iOS / WordPress iOS [version]
iPhone 15 Pro