words / color-description

Color-Description turns a technical color representation into a human readable description.
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Color Model and API Questions #1

Open meodai opened 3 years ago

meodai commented 3 years ago

Hey @zeke & @dy

For my color companion site I was experimenting with coming up with a color description for a color, based on its attributes in HSL for example.

I have a few questions:

Description API: https://github.com/words/color-description/blob/main/index.js#L13

Color Model: HSL

I would love to read about your thoughts.

wooorm commented 3 years ago

You might be interested in https://github.com/vasilisvg/human-colours

meodai commented 3 years ago

@wooorm thanks I did not know about it.

It is a bit rudimentary for my purpose though. For example a color is still considered "red" if the hue is around 0deg, but has almost no light or saturation. I also try to capture a wider array of features.

zeke commented 3 years ago

About seven years ago I created a project called https://github.com/colorjs/color-namer -- It vendors in a bunch of different datasets with names for colors. In hindsight, bringing all that data into the module feels like a mistake. I think it would have been better to have a uniform format for that and publish each set of names and color values as a standalone npm package.

what space would you use to describe a colors hue range?

I think the Lab or HCL color spaces may be what you're looking for: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lab_color_space

Lab and HCL color spaces are special in that the perceived difference between two colors is proportional to their Euclidean distance in color space. This special property, called perceptual uniformity, makes them ideal for accurate visual encoding of data. In contrast, the more familiar RGB and HSL color spaces distort data when used for visualization.

dy commented 3 years ago

Regarding extensibility I can see i18n purpose for now. As for hue perceptual uniformity - yes HCL is there for it, it's like Lab-based HSV (OSAUCS is more advanced uniform, but there's no formula to convert back from it). HSLuv has a bit different purpose and floating limits iirc. But HSV is very convenient, everyone understands it, also that doesn't require transform. I guess if you're looking for uniform areas it's possibly an option to precalculate ranges in HCL and convert them to HSV for your existing description, leaving HCL ranges in comments.

@zeke color-namer/pantone seems a nice convention, no? I wonder why it's not so popular. Multiple separate packages require extended maintenance efforts, version sync etc - similar code is "too far". With audiojs I start thinking it was a mistake to create multiple packages. Lerna-based projects tend to get too disorganized too.

meodai commented 3 years ago

@zeke ah I knew about your color-namer project. I run a similar project: https://github.com/meodai/color-names. I'm happy you bring it up, because I think it is complementary. Those are more about a nice name for the color (noun), what I aim to do with this project, is describing the attributes of the color using adjectives: It made me change the readme a bit to: "Describes color attributes using words instead of coordinates in a model."

About HCL: this is the model I had initially chosen, but it was hard to use because of cases like that:

Screenshot 2021-05-12 at 12 34 03

It would make it hard to describe that range in a simple array like I did. But this made me think of HSLuv or HuSL! I will try something! Thanks for the insight.

@dy I think i18n would be a great fit! I will definitely integrate that!

@zeke & @dy I'd be a bit cautious when using the pantone color names in an open-source project. They are quite protective about it. A few github projects that were using the Pantone colors were taken down.

dy commented 3 years ago

Btw HSL has smoother chroma than HSLuv: image vs image

That sharp blue saturation stands out in HSLuv: image And HPLuv seems to be just a subrange of LCH.

meodai commented 3 years ago

@dy then HSL might not be such a bad choice after all. It doesn't matter if it's not a 100% accurate, because the adjectives are kinda vague anyway. (They are fitting for a range of color). I think its not tooo bad:


I need to find a good way to test that.

meodai commented 3 years ago

@dy https://cdpn.io/meodai/debug/a7ab525f986069405732afd3d4f0e8a2

dy commented 3 years ago

Pretty cool!

I wonder will that match canonical 2-component descriptors (color name + modifier), like dark blue/gray/*. That seems to be a pattern for naming fwiw: cosmic *, copper *, chinese *, cadmium *, burnt *, bright *, black *, golden * etc. So modifiers possibly indicate not only absolute range but also a relative shift from some canonical color name. Can be even vectorized and used to generate colors: copper(red), chinese(yellow), cosmic(green) etc.

Also, in my head warm/hot, red/reddish and mellow are all different categories.

Possibly having simple descriptors could also explain difficult color names, eg. catawba = purplish brown. That also gives another idea for description - as a mixture of 2-3 canonical colors + modifier.

meodai commented 3 years ago

@dy yeah that would be pretty cool and easy to pull off with that class and data structure.

I have removed hot anyway. but warm and cold colors a based on that: image

I have also defined that they are not warm anymore if the light value is very low.. (they are still cold thought)

dy commented 3 years ago

Possibly color temperature also may give an insight, tbh I imagined it more in this way image

meodai commented 3 years ago

@dy I tried that first, but it made no sense for colors that are not blue yellow white orange or red :( // its styll in the code under temperature adjectives

meodai commented 3 years ago

the hue names should probably use LAB using this data: https://uwdata.github.io/color-naming-in-different-languages/vis/full_color_maps.html and https://uwdata.github.io/color-naming-in-different-languages/vis/stacked-spectrum.html

Not sure how I could translate that to "simple" Lab ranges thought? Any thoughts? https://github.com/uwdata/color-naming-in-different-languages/

meodai commented 3 years ago


@dy any idea what is meant by "color nodes" in the JSON data?

dy commented 3 years ago

It seems to be some data for the translator https://uwdata.github.io/color-naming-in-different-languages/vis/color_translator.html#term=pink&start_lang=en&dest_lang=en As you see some colors have 9 nodes others 4 image

Btw, I'm not sure their work is a reliable ground for color-description - I'd propose better to get inspiration from what they refer to:

7 color regions corresponding to Berlin & Kay’s basic color terms [BK69]: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, and pink (weakly), are salient across languages.

meodai commented 3 years ago

@dy had the chance to continue to work on this a bit: https://words.github.io/color-description/

zeke commented 3 years ago
Screen Shot 2021-09-11 at 4 08 49 PM

That's a lot of fun to play with!

dy commented 3 years ago

@meodai that is so nice and fun image As an idea: showing neighbor colors

meodai commented 3 years ago

@dy neighbors as in h+20, h-20 ?

dy commented 3 years ago

Yes, hue and maybe saturation. I mean names are so fun but dense, picking is not precise, same time there are many almost-symonymic colors nearby with very different names- would be fun to know "color area", not just direct color. Sort of similar to what we discussed before: image

meodai commented 3 years ago

@dy I like that idea! the "color area" thing would be hard to pull off. Feel free if you have an idea. But it would have to be visualized in 3d I think, since the "color area" is 3 dimensional.

dy commented 3 years ago

I'm thinking something simple: image Basic directions: -h, +h, -s, +s, -l, +l, -h-s, -h+s, +h-s, +h+s etc.

meodai commented 3 years ago

@dy cool idea! https://words.github.io/color-description/ I added it to the bottom thought, since this project is not really about the color names, but rather about the adjectives and descriptions ;)

zeke commented 3 years ago

☝🏼 That's really cool. I love clicking my way through the names and gradually changing from one hue to another.