wordup-dev / wordup-cli

Wordup is a fully integrated development platform for WordPress. Develop plugins and themes locally. Preview in the cloud. Automatic updates in WP.
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wordup init fails on centos 7 (npm WARN lifecycle) #26

Open simonmeggle opened 4 years ago

simonmeggle commented 4 years ago

I just tried wordup on a centos7 machine and failed to install the server. There is a weird WARN message I cannot interpret:

wordup init 
? Search public WordPress plugins (leave blank if you dont want to add plugins)
? Search public WordPress themes (leave blank if you dont want to add themes)
   create README.md
   create .gitignore
   create .wordup/config.yml
   create package.json
npm WARN lifecycle foobar@0.1.0~postinstall: cannot run in wd test@0.1.0 wordup install || true (wd=/root/foobar)
npm notice created a lockfile as package-lock.json. You should commit this file.
up to date in 0.392s
found 0 vulnerabilities


Successfully init new wordup project (/root/test)
Just open your project folder and start developing :-)

wordup install was executed automatically as a postinstall script in your package.json

=> Something got broken/not finished during the initialisation.

Starting the instance then fails with:

wordup install
Installing wordup project and connected docker containers (can take some minutes)... ✔
Waiting for the containers to boot... ✔
Setting-up WordPress based on your .wordup/config.yml... -
 ›   Error: There was an error with setting-up WordPress

The logs of the wordup-cli container contain the line

[29-Mar-2020 14:33:41 UTC] PHP Warning:  mysqli::__construct(): (HY000/2002): Connection refused in Standard input code on line 22
[29-Mar-2020 14:33:41 UTC] PHP Stack trace:    
[29-Mar-2020 14:33:41 UTC] PHP   1. {main}() Standard input code:0
[29-Mar-2020 14:33:41 UTC] PHP   2. mysqli->__construct() Standard input code:22
MySQL Connection Error: (2002) Connection refused

node.js version: v13.12.0 Docker version 18.06.3-ce, build d7080c1

But I can start wordup projects I have created on my mac.

Thanks for any assistance... BR Simon

shry commented 4 years ago

I guess you are trying to run wordup on a VM? The mysql error shows me that probably the mariadb container is not starting as expected. I had this issue also on different VMs. In the next big release i will switch to bitnami containers, i hope that this issue will be gone after that.

simonmeggle commented 4 years ago

No, I am working on a physical machine which has even much more power than my mac :-) Yes, the error sounds that the mariadb is not reachable. But I exec'd into the wordpress container, installed a db client and could connect. I also thought that the wp container tries to connect to the db too early and edited the docker-compose file. With the help of the dadarek/wait-for-dependencies image, I was able to delay the start of the wp container until db is really reachable on port 3306:

      - start_dependencies
      - start_dependencies
    image: dadarek/wait-for-dependencies
      - db
    command: db:3306

But even in this way, it did not work.

Can you imagine a reason for the line

npm WARN lifecycle foobar@0.1.0~postinstall: cannot run in wd test@0.1.0 wordup install || true (wd=/root/foobar)

during the "install" command? This is only happening on the linux machine, not on the mac. I think that this is the root cause. But I have no experience with node/npm and cannot interpret this error. Any try with unsafe-perm = true in rc files (found by googling) was unsuccessful.

Thanks, Simon

shry commented 4 years ago

It could be a permission issue, have you tried to run with sudo?

simonmeggle commented 4 years ago

Yes, the error also comes when executing as root.