'applications' is misspelled in the "MongoDB & Mongoid" section of this page.
"While there is a low level Ruby driver for MongoDB, Workarea uses Mongoid, an Object-Document Mapper, or ODM. Mongoid provides an API that is purposefully similar to Active Record, the library used to persist models in Rails applictions using relational databases. If you have any familiarity with Active Record, that knowledge should transfer directly to Mongoid."
'applications' is misspelled in the "MongoDB & Mongoid" section of this page.
"While there is a low level Ruby driver for MongoDB, Workarea uses Mongoid, an Object-Document Mapper, or ODM. Mongoid provides an API that is purposefully similar to Active Record, the library used to persist models in Rails applictions using relational databases. If you have any familiarity with Active Record, that knowledge should transfer directly to Mongoid."