workflow4metabolomics / multivariate

PCA, PLS(-DA), and OPLS(-DA)
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added selector to dump Rdata #5

Closed eschen42 closed 6 years ago

eschen42 commented 6 years ago

I have observed (as documented in the help) the scores and loadings for two PCs (perhaps the first two components or perhaps the two chosen when running the tool) are added as columns to sampleMetadata and variableMetadata. At the moment, my experimental analysis requires all of the scores and loadings for each among the "optimal number of components".

Because (delightfully) multivariate_wrapper.R already has the code to save the RData, all that I needed to do was to modify multivariate_config.xml slightly. For a working copy of this modification, please see

which I can deprecate once a decision has been reached on this pull request. Thank you and best regards.