workflowscommunity / fair-workflows

WCI FAIR Workflows working group materials
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Computational workflows FAIR principles and best practices #3

Open kinow opened 10 months ago

kinow commented 10 months ago

Sorry the generic title, this is a follow-up from the last WCI meeting. We discussed moving actionable items to GitHub issues, and I remembered in our first meetings it was asked what were the goals of this project. And in the document we tried to list some, e.g.

It would be good to have a good document that could be cited and that answer all/some of these questions. This issue is both to gather papers that may answer these questions (we can update back the Google Doc with the answers), or to discuss the possibility of gathering material to write a paper or whitepaper about this.

stain commented 9 months ago

So let's start writing this paper!

stain commented 9 months ago

Some ideas for paper from 2023-09-14: