The footers on ALL pages need to be toyed with so that they cooperate and always stick down at the bottom of the page instead of interfering with the content.
Examples of good DIVs are currently residing in the Moon Man and Collecting a Debt pages.
(Thread created from Lab PCs. Wide screens, most content will fit into these so double check accessibility on other devices.)
To be DIVided up better/ warp more closely:
Mugs page (far too wide especially with content)
Dragonfly Page
Bee Silkscreen (content/ text issue again)
Kraken page
Queen Cards
(?) Possibly the Painted bee page. Not enough content to tell.
(?) Possibly the Space Lady page
All of the above are eyeballed, so the actual dimensions are unknown. They all appear to be wrapped which is the positive news.
New thread for wrapping/ DIV issues within pages.
The footers on ALL pages need to be toyed with so that they cooperate and always stick down at the bottom of the page instead of interfering with the content. Examples of good DIVs are currently residing in the Moon Man and Collecting a Debt pages.
(Thread created from Lab PCs. Wide screens, most content will fit into these so double check accessibility on other devices.)
To be DIVided up better/ warp more closely:
All of the above are eyeballed, so the actual dimensions are unknown. They all appear to be wrapped which is the positive news.