works-offline / logo

A logo for "works offline" - the web needs one
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Round 1: post your ideas / designs #1

Open remy opened 4 years ago

remy commented 4 years ago

I believe the web needs a logo or image to show "this site works offline".

Yes, this should be something that a browser's UI surfaces, but it needs to come from us, the web, before it's codified.


Branding is an incredibly strong and can serve as motivation for products to evolve and improve. Simply hanging a name on an idea gives it incredible power.

This is seen most recently with PWA - a term that does not specifically point to a single technology, but many, many companies now want their sites and apps to be PWAs (regardless of what the reality of that is).

There's a slew of terms and logos that have benefited the web, two others that spring to mind: ajax and web 2.0.

Creating a visual cue to visitors that your site will work offline is powerful as it both shows that URLs can work offline, but also puts pressure on businesses to support offline (and PWA techniques) as their competitors adopt offline support.


The PWA logo project is an excellent example of adoption and creative innovation by the web community.

Once the "works offline" is graphically codified we'll see icons, images, banners, stickers, to show off capabilities.

To be clear: the target audience is not designers and developers. We already understand offline. The target audience is the web site visitor and by proxy, the business people making decisions about their web products.

Round 1

This has been approached before, but hasn't stuck. Maybe this won't, hopefully it will.

For round 1, it's open season on ideas - nothing is a bad idea.

This is a positive and safe environment to express ideas, and distasteful behaviour will be banned and blocked - please see the code of conduct if you're unsure.

Once round 1 is over (possibly when ideas settle down, or someone proposes a date), then we'll move to round 2 for some voting (or iteration) and hopefully settle on something we all like and can be proud of as the web community.

cathibosco commented 3 years ago

@ollicle I'm going to both sharpen and broaden my research across browsers and with our engineers. I will be happy to continue to share and make public the research and design work/findings so please feel free to add me to future discussions. 'Works offline' is a great first goal and we absolutely got a lot of great async discussions here.

guawme commented 3 years ago

We need a Wilson Captura de Pantalla 2020-11-11 a la(s) 13 13 34

Geomon-Joshy commented 2 years ago

@remy , How about this? The logo can be the iconic T-Rex from google Dino run -if there are no trademark issues- Wearing pyjamas and sleeping cap and in a dialogue box it says "Finally, I can take some rest".
Because someone somewhere in the world will be having network issues at any given time ,So T-Rex will be running 24/7. But thanks to offline websites he can finally take some rest