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standard-version Tooling #682

Closed Flet closed 4 years ago

Flet commented 4 years ago


Sorry to add this to the mountain of issues... :)

I noticed one of @feross' PRs that this project was set up to use the standard-version package in its npm run release script. This tool will automagically create a changelog using commit messages that follow the Conventional Commits format.

It looks like this may have been added late in this projects life as the current changelog is pretty sparse, and it does not look like commits in the last few years have followed the convention.

We can either abandon standard-version and remove it or embrace it going forward. Do folks have any thoughts on it?

I have a bit of a freestyle jazz approach to commit messages these days, so I'm OK with pruning this tool out as long as folks include a handcrafted changelog entry with each release.

feross commented 4 years ago

I'm fine with pruning it out since I prefer to do releases by hand, but also willing to give it a try if anyone feels strongly.

feross commented 4 years ago

PR to remove here:

ccarruitero commented 4 years ago

I think it's better if we can get the changelog automatically instead manual, it's less error prone. But don't have problem if decide to remove.