Open 0phoff opened 7 years ago
I also tried a global install, but now I get an error:
Timeout while running run
This is when I run it using the solution from this package, so it cannot be my code causing the issue...
What NPM/Node version are you running?
node v6.12.0 and npm v5.4.2 are currently installed on my system.
I also had node v6 and npm v5 at the time of submitting this bug, but I cant be sure these were the exact same versions... Its been quite a while since I last tried this repo! :smiley_cat:
I cannot get passed exercise 3... I installed you package locally and I am running it through ./node_modules/.bin/levelmeup This has worked for other workshoppers like stream-adveenture, javascripting, learnyounode, how-to-npm,...
The first 2 exercises work fine, but for exercise 3 I get this error: