workshopper / list

A central catalog of existing, planned and requested workshoppers
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how to structure this repo #1

Closed linclark closed 9 years ago

linclark commented 10 years ago

There are two ways that I see to structure this repo:

  1. Create an issue for each workshopper, including existing ones, and leave them open. These can be found by using the status:completed tag in the issue list.
  2. Create a page (e.g. which lists completed workshoppers. Once a workshopper is in a usable state, close out the issue and move it to the list.

Option 1 has the benefit of making it possible to add multiple topic tags (e.g. REST for the Express and Hapi.js lessons).

I've added a README which assumes that we will go with Option 1, but I'm going to leave this open for a bit for other opinions.

rvagg commented 10 years ago

Go with what you think will work best; also don't discount the as an option for putting content, things tend to get lost in files, everyone sees the