Copied from @timoxley's issue, nodeschool/discussions#284
Just jotting this thought down while I have it.
Would be good to have a workshopper that covers the basic unix stuff you need to nodejs effectively. There is heaps of stuff out there already that teaches this content but would be nice to have all the required knows for node under the one roof. Maybe we need a nodepreschool to load people up with the prerequisite knowledge. The fabled "intro to js workshopper" could go in there.
Proposed curriculum:
. and ..
~ and $HOME
rm -rf
chmod a+x
! for scripts
pipe & less/more
cmd > file
which and $PATH
ln -s
ctrl+c, ctrl+z, and ctrl+d
I think this is most of everything people need to get started without any fancy fluff.
Purposely avoiding sudo/chmod/chown as they're not easy and are dangerous… you shouldn't need to mess with those when doing regular node stuff.
Copied from @timoxley's issue, nodeschool/discussions#284
Just jotting this thought down while I have it.
Would be good to have a workshopper that covers the basic unix stuff you need to nodejs effectively. There is heaps of stuff out there already that teaches this content but would be nice to have all the required knows for node under the one roof. Maybe we need a nodepreschool to load people up with the prerequisite knowledge. The fabled "intro to js workshopper" could go in there.
Proposed curriculum:
ls cd cat . and .. echo ~ and $HOME mkdir rmdir pico/nano cp unlink rm -rf chmod a+x
! for scripts
pipe & less/more grep/awk cmd > file which and $PATH ln -s top pgrep/ps kill/pkill ctrl+c, ctrl+z, and ctrl+d fg/bg tail I think this is most of everything people need to get started without any fancy fluff.
Purposely avoiding sudo/chmod/chown as they're not easy and are dangerous… you shouldn't need to mess with those when doing regular node stuff.