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introduction to javascript #22

Closed sethvincent closed 9 years ago

sethvincent commented 9 years ago

I made this workshop for a recent event:

I'm realizing that there's also these:

Not sure how best to combine or team up, but that would be cool.

mikeal commented 9 years ago

similarly, i've been working on a very incrementalist intro to JS.

the next thing i'm probably going to move to is writing some way of consolidating workshoppers in to a curriculum because I'd like to do learnjs-strings and the like which can dive deep in to basic types.

sethvincent commented 9 years ago

Cool, I was thinking about that, too: separate workshops for strings, arrays, objects, etc.

Edited list in original comment.

iancrowther commented 9 years ago

hey this is really useful guys +1

linclark commented 9 years ago

javascripting has been added to the page and seems to be quite popular based on the number of questions coming in on discussions, so I'm going to close this one.

Having a curriculum for consolidating deep-dive style introductions sounds very interesting. I see that this discussion was also happening in another issue. I'm going to spin out an issue dedicated to it.