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Compatibility Guide for workshoppers #25

Closed martinheidegger closed 7 years ago

martinheidegger commented 7 years ago

In response to and thanks to @3DEsprit 's question, this PR adds a compatibility guide that should help maintainers of workshoppers to figure out what version to support.

I would love to hear the input of @sethvincent @denysdovhan (due to their awesome work on javascripting that might support this policy), @rvagg (as Node TSC member and initator of workshoppers) @hackygolucky (as Node.js education manager), @jpwesselink (as contact at NodeSchool) and @ashleygwilliams (as contact at Node together) since this policy might shape the way how to communicate the use of Node at various events.

jpwesselink commented 7 years ago

Narrowing the range of Node versions to support will hopefully make the lifes of maintainers easier. I think this policy is very clear, and easy to validate for workshopper maintainers, NodeSchool organizers and NodeSchool students.

rvagg commented 7 years ago

A couple of notes:

martinheidegger commented 7 years ago

@rvagg Thank you for your input (I am learning every day).

martinheidegger commented 7 years ago

cc @denysdovhan

denysdovhan commented 7 years ago

Personally, I believe that for personal needs we have to use latest version of Node.js on our machines. And we need to force moving of new ecmascript features. Moreover, Node.js 4 will be out of active LTS soon.

That's just my personal opinion and that's why I updated my learnyoubash workshopper. In case with how-to-markdwon (which is a core-workshopper) it will support Node.js 4 as long as it's needed.

martinheidegger commented 7 years ago

@denysdovhan How would you phrase it?

denysdovhan commented 7 years ago

@martinheidegger phrase what? Didn't understand you.

martinheidegger commented 7 years ago

@denysdovhan How would you phrase "a compatibility guide that should help maintainers of workshoppers to figure out what version to support."

denysdovhan commented 7 years ago

@martinheidegger the sentences from this PR look good for creators of workshoppers.

martinheidegger commented 7 years ago

Merging this PR for now. Please submit follow-ups if you find ways to improve the wording. Thx ^_^