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Merge Into NodeSchool: International Contribution Day! #26

Closed hackygolucky closed 7 years ago

hackygolucky commented 7 years ago

(cross-posted to the NodeSchool org)

NodeSchool is so important to the history(and future) of Node.js, so I've been chatting with some organizers and wanted to get everyone's take. The idea:

This would be in interesting hybrid event. It has the power to teach some people how to contribute in a way they may not have yet, but also encourages a day of focusing on giving back to NodeSchool. The workshoppers are such an incredible contribution to Node.js that so many worldwide events are dependent on. We want to help ensure future health, if possible. Get some more energy into it.

The plan for Merge Into NodeSchool: International Contribution Day

To make this welcoming to everyone, those who are newer(maybe attended NodeSchool and have never mentored but want to help) can pair with someone more knowledgeable so they are able to contribute. Everyone learns! Everyone helps! @jpwesselink inspired this one for sure after I'd mentioned I had concern that this would not be exciting to folks who don't mentor or aren't as experienced developers.

We've gotten a little allocation from the Node.js Foundation for

Next step would be to plan a meeting or workshopper folks and active NodeSchool organizers to iron this out a bit.

What do y'all think?

martinheidegger commented 7 years ago

I am steadily working on cleaning up and structuring workshoppers, any help from this is welcome. I have no idea what "Merge into NodeSchool" should mean though.

watilde commented 7 years ago

I also started working for this on how-to-npm to adjust PRs, and nodejs-ja to support translation.

martinheidegger commented 7 years ago

The meeting seems to be planned in, closing this issue to avoid confusion.