workshopper / org

Organizing the workshopper environment.
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Getting added as a member of workshopper #34

Closed gyaresu closed 6 years ago

gyaresu commented 6 years ago


I was hoping to get added as a member of the workshopper org so I can start cleaning up PR's and documentation.

I'm a member of the Nodeschool org. And more specifically we run nodeschool events at Vancouver.

I've read the contributing rules and will abide by them.

Any questions, please don't hesitate to ask.



a0viedo commented 6 years ago

I know @gyaresu from the NodeSchool community, +1 on adding him.

a0viedo commented 6 years ago


SomeoneWeird commented 6 years ago

Fine by me.

ralphtheninja commented 6 years ago

Invitation sent.