workshopper / org

Organizing the workshopper environment.
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Setting up translation groups #7

Open martinheidegger opened 9 years ago

martinheidegger commented 9 years ago

Actually this is again the same issue talked about at various places. I am looking for support to help setting up translation groups. And looking also for feedback if my idea is okay:

I would like to create teams in the nodeschool organisation for every language that workshoppers & the nodeschool-site is translated to. For every team there should be a repo @ nodeschool that is called translations-{language-id}. There is no hierarchy in those teams and everybody should be added as team administrator to add more members. The sole purpose of them would be for notifications and issues.

Further I think it would be good to organise translations the following way:

  1. New workshoppers/text in translations will get be pushed as issue to translations where all translation teams are added
  2. If there is a commit to the translated repository that contains a [en]+ Added some new text comment then it should (automatically) become an issue (and PR) that notifies the translation guys from a language.

My main problem with this approach: Even more notifications for people that already have tons of notifications.

Alternative ideas:

  1. Create organisation groups in this organisation
  2. Create github organisation dedicated to node community translations (node, iojs, nodeschool, workshoppers) and have groups there.

Note: Link to other issues:

martinheidegger commented 9 years ago

NodeSchool Norwegian translation efforts (lead by @leftieFriele)

inunotaisho commented 6 years ago

Is there a group that leads Japanese (日本語) translation efforts for nodeschool projects?