worldbank / Stata-IE-Visual-Library

This is a repository maintained by DIME Analytics and containing example graphs on how to explore data sets and display results of Impact Evaluations using Stata. For information on how to contribute to the library and download codes and data sets, click on the link to GitHub below.
MIT License
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Required options missing #50

Open escandethomas opened 4 years ago

escandethomas commented 4 years ago

In the ado file, case0 and case1 are required options, but there is no mention of them in the help file!

luizaandrade commented 4 years ago

@bbdaniels, this is one of yours, right? I think the next issue is also about the same command

bbdaniels commented 4 years ago

This is a custom ado file that is no longer maintained. It is superseded by which should be up to date. I don't think it is worth it to update things that are now out of date, but they could be pulled from the library and replaced with current commands if you think that's a good solution?

luizaandrade commented 4 years ago

Yes, I think so. We'll have a new intern working on this during the summer, so she can do that