worldbank / dime-data-handbook

Development Research in Practice: The DIME Analytics Data Handbook. By Kristoffer Bjärkefur, Luíza Cardoso de Andrade, Benjamin Daniels, and Maria Jones
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Ch2 re write #441

Closed mariaruth closed 4 years ago

mariaruth commented 4 years ago

This chapter now focuses on all the tasks to set-up at the beginning of a research project to successfully implement protocols later on in the book. it is very focused on software / tech environment.

We had originally thought to move the content on research ethics from CH1 here but it does not fit well. I cut it here. I also revised the content in the 'transmitting and storing data securely' section to avoid overlap with chapter 5. but we might want to move more of the content currently in chapter 5 here (i revised chapter 5 first so didn't have that perspective).

@kbjarkefur since you are reviewing both, it will be good to think through what content goes where (for example, may want more of the details on encryption in ch1, i removed them here since they were repetitive with what's in ch5). In general, i think overall advice on set-up goes in 1, and specific recommendations for receiving and transferring data go in chapter 5.

kbjarkefur commented 4 years ago

I think we are talking about encryption at too many places. This is my suggestion for how we should deal with it:

Copy these lines to the Organizing files and folder structures section. It is weird to talk about encrypting files and folders before we have introduced files and folders. From the research perspective it is only the research files that needs to be encrypted. It is good practice to encrypt your whole drive which is easy to do in Mac or Linux (unless you pay for Windows Enterprise) it is weird to start with that.

Then move the section Transmitting and storing data securely also to the Organizing files and folder structures section, but some of this information can be removed as it is also mentioned in Chapter 5. I think this chapter 2 is more and more about learn to use your computer so that you can do research work properly. And in that context all that should be in this chapter is a section on how you can encrypt files on your computer.

Transmitting securely can be left completely to when we talk about Data Acquisition. And the two sections I am suggesting to move into the Organizing files and folder structures section can be reduced to:

  1. Breifly what is PII
  2. How do you encrypt your computer
    • Disk encryption - good but does not work in regular windows
    • File encryption - Less smooth but is a useful to know to share files secturely
  3. Mention VeraCrypt as a tool for file encryption and link to our instructions. We have decided to not suggest too many software specific tools, but VeraCrypt has been around for a long time, and it is so standard.

Finally, then we can leave chapter 5 pretty much as it is.

kbjarkefur commented 4 years ago

I think this chapter reads really well. But I think this chapter is no longer "planning-datawork" as the file is called. I think this is is setting up your computer for high quality data work.

What the file is called does not matter in the end, but I do think what "planning-datawork" is kind of where I am going with combining what was previously chapter 3 and 4 to a single chapter that will follow the chapter of this PR. There is not much that need to be changed in this chapter. Only move out the line about data maps from the intro (as I will speak about it in the next chapter) and make the distinction clearer between this chapter and next in the intro.

Lets speak about this in the meeting.

mariaruth commented 4 years ago

Updated last section of chapter 5 as suggested above, changed to 'Preparing to handle confidential data' 442d7e2725c4b23522daa048af17ed744a7f6dad