worldia / textmaster-api

Simple PHP client for the Textmaster API
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Error with Textmaster\Client #69

Closed jmleroux closed 8 years ago

jmleroux commented 8 years ago


I want to use textmaster-api to build a connector between Textmaster and Akeneo.

I just started the project and made a basic command to test the API calls:

class ApiTestCommand extends ContainerAwareCommand
     * {@inheritdoc}
    protected function configure()
            ->setDescription('Test API calls');

     * {@inheritdoc}
    protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output)
        $client = $this->getContainer()->get('worldia.textmaster.api.client');
        $locales = $client->locales()->all();


and declared my services in YAML:

        class: Textmaster\HttpClient\HttpClient
            - '%textmaster.api_key%'
            - '%textmaster.api_secret%'

        class: Textmaster\Client
            - '@worldia.textmaster.api.httpclient'
            - '@event_dispatcher'

But the command does not work and i get this error:

  a:1:{s:4:"base";a:1:{i:0;s:127:"The URL you're requesting doesn't exist within the api. Make sure your URL begins with """;}}  

I traced the error and it comes from here This method return this string : /v1/clients/public/locales and it seems that we expected

Did i miss something in the configuration or in the instanciation ?

Best regards, JM

cdaguerre commented 8 years ago

@jmleroux I guess there's a mistake here. There shouldn't be a trailing /clients. Could you either:

        class: Textmaster\HttpClient\HttpClient
            - '%textmaster.api_key%'
            - '%textmaster.api_secret%'
            - [ base_uri: '' ]

Or use whilst testing ;)

jmleroux commented 8 years ago

Hi @cdaguerre ,

firstly, thank you for the quick answer.

The /clients could effectively be superfluous, but it's not the error source for sure. The error is raised because $this->client->getConfig('base_uri')->getPath() returns the path, without host and without scheme.

cdaguerre commented 8 years ago

The base_uri isn't added here, it's misleading. Actually it's added by the client when the request is sent, ie. here. Have you tested my suggestion?

jmleroux commented 8 years ago

It works with your last tag. Thanks !