When I tried to merge the ui.mjs and multiplayer2.html in the ui_filiz branch with the develop branch's ui.mjs and multiplayer2.html, I couldn't merge automatically due to the import THREE js library server. In the develop branch, THREE js uses cdn.jsdelivr, and in my branch I use cdn.skypack because three-mesh-ui library only works with cdn.skypack library. @DMGregory @oxgr
When I tried to merge the ui.mjs and multiplayer2.html in the ui_filiz branch with the develop branch's ui.mjs and multiplayer2.html, I couldn't merge automatically due to the import THREE js library server. In the develop branch, THREE js uses cdn.jsdelivr, and in my branch I use cdn.skypack because three-mesh-ui library only works with cdn.skypack library. @DMGregory @oxgr