worldveil / dejavu

Audio fingerprinting and recognition in Python
MIT License
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Failed Fingerprinting #176

Closed hhs13 closed 5 years ago

hhs13 commented 5 years ago

I have downloaded the copy of dejavu, and tried running it with py2.7 on windows7. However, I get error for "Failed fingerprinting" as shown below:

Failed fingerprinting Traceback (most recent call last): File "C:\Users\xx\PycharmProjects\dejavu-master\", line 77, in fingerprint_directory song_name, hashes, file_hash = File "C:\Users\xx\Anaconda2\lib\multiprocessing\", line 668, in next raise value WindowsError: [Error 2] The system cannot find the file specified

I can see the path for files in "mp3" folder is correct but iterator is failing. Any ideas?

hhs13 commented 5 years ago

okay, I found the problem. It has to do with ffmpeg not setup correctly. I was using ffmpeg in Anaconda package, which for some reason did not work. I downloaded it from ffmpeg website, added it to the PATH and added the absolute path for pydub (see