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mysql error 2014 - commands out of sync - #194

Closed milahu closed 4 years ago

milahu commented 5 years ago

this error occurs, when Cursor.__init__ is trying to use a cached connection

mysql_exceptions.ProgrammingError: (2014, "Commands out of sync; you can't run this command now")

at in

solution: remove the call, and the program works anyway

earlier, the same error occured at self.conn.autocommit(False) but now its working ....

guess: SQLDatabase.setup is running in background, locking the connection cursor. contradiction: the Cursor.__exit__ function does close the cursor ....

env: mariadb 10.3.14 reconnect patch for mariadb, so we can build mysql-python: sed '/st_mysql_options options;/a unsigned int reconnect;' /usr/include/mysql/mysql.h -i.bak python 2.7.16 mysql-python 1.2.3c1