worldveil / dejavu

Audio fingerprinting and recognition in Python
MIT License
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Performance Tweaks, Iterators, and Lazy Evaluations #308

Open PyWoody opened 2 months ago

PyWoody commented 2 months ago

A new function, dejavu.logic.decoder.find_files_g, has been created as an iterator replacement for find_files in the same file. This allows the updated Dejavu.fingerprint_directory method to utilize the concurrent.futures.ProcessPoolExecutor in conjunction with the concurrent.futures.as_completed function to submit files to be processed as they are yielded for immediate processing. Once all of the files have been submitted to the executor for processing, their respective results will be iterated over in they are completed.

These two modifications will allow considerable speed improvements over the existing methods. If anyone knows of where to find a large number of Creative Common openly licensed audio files to download and test on, I would be glad to post comparison results. I tried finding some today but every website was either broken, required creating accounts, or was so extensively rate-limited to be near useless.

Other minor improvements are