wormhole-foundation / wormhole-connect

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[QA] [Mainnet] Transactions from Solana fails with "TransactionExpiredTimeoutError" error #1689

Closed tsadovska closed 2 months ago

tsadovska commented 7 months ago

Describe the current behavior in detail

Checked on https://wormhole-connect-mainnet.netlify.app/ [Mainnet] and https://portalbridge.com/ [Mainnet] with macOS and Google Chrome.


  1. Prepare to send 0.0001 SOL from Solana (Phantom) to Avalanche (MetaMask)
  2. Click "Approve and proceed with transaction" button

Actual result: Transaction fails.

TransactionExpiredTimeoutError: Transaction was not confirmed in 60.00 seconds. It is unknown if it succeeded or failed. Check signature 4k2pnxbqksQRxrQSVXsSUWwedUEHP6YjUHtAEckHoT667Fy9TgZhR1de8ruGrBCjqrBArnxfSA348X5SdHGqrpZh using the Solana Explorer or CLI tools.
    at Connection$1.confirmTransactionUsingLegacyTimeoutStrategy (main.js:171:61258)
    at async Connection$1.confirmTransaction (main.js:171:56700)
    at async O.sendTransaction (solana-3Sa-HcsX.js:1:40048)
    at async Ie (solana-3Sa-HcsX.js:1:48158)
    at async signAndSendTransaction (main.js:322:775672)
    at async BridgeRoute.send (main.js:326:22209)
    at async Operator.send (main.js:328:80407)
    at async Object.Gn [as onClick] (main.js:499:101845)


Issue is also reproducible when sending 0.00001 SOL from Solana (Phantom) to Fantom (MetaMask).

Issue is not reproducible with following scenarios:

What is the expected/desired behavior

Transaction proceeds without errors.

AigaD commented 7 months ago

Linking to https://github.com/wormhole-foundation/wormhole-connect/issues/732 and https://github.com/XLabs/portal-bridge-ui/issues/729

tsadovska commented 6 months ago

Issue is no longer reproducible on:

Ticket is closed.

AigaD commented 6 months ago

Re-opening ticket. Tested from: https://wormhole-connect-mainnet.netlify.app/# TransactionExpiredTimeoutError: was shown for transaction from Solana (Exodus) to Sui (SUI)



tsadovska commented 6 months ago

Issue is reproducible on https://portalbridge.com/ [Mainnet] when sending 0.0001 SOL from Solana (Phantom) to Fantom (MetaMask).


TransactionExpiredTimeoutError: Transaction was not confirmed in 60.00 seconds. It is unknown if it succeeded or failed. Check signature 2JMr1AQrrrrfXGdRFzRCcFZndqKAPhDmWrcboQXuaaJv6Amjjz1C4Von1m87LiW2wdaksWAKULtNAymtdd3ruR1x using the Solana Explorer or CLI tools.
    at Connection$1.confirmTransactionUsingLegacyTimeoutStrategy (main.js:171:61258)
    at async Connection$1.confirmTransaction (main.js:171:56700)
    at async O.sendTransaction (solana-mxqvqbiT.js:1:40048)
    at async Ie (solana-mxqvqbiT.js:1:48158)
    at async signAndSendTransaction (main.js:322:774354)
    at async BridgeRoute.send (main.js:326:22209)
    at async Operator.send (main.js:328:80407)
    at async Object.Gn [as onClick] (main.js:499:101875)


AigaD commented 6 months ago

Tested from: https://wormhole-connect-mainnet.netlify.app/# Transaction tBTC from Solana (Solflare) to Moonbeam (Metamask) fails with reason TransactionExpiredTimeoutError: Transaction was not confirmed in 60.00 seconds. Attachment:

Screenshot 2024-03-06 at 10 04 58

tsadovska commented 6 months ago

Issue is reproducible on https://preview.portalbridge.com/ [Mainnet] when sending SOL from Solana (Phantom) to Avalanche (MetaMask) with "Automatic Bridge" route.


TransactionExpiredTimeoutError: Transaction was not confirmed in 60.00 seconds. It is unknown if it succeeded or failed. Check signature 57RTGK2PSBC2Ywi2GYU7mnUfGSxaFT4G8DcrQRyPU3UDvJrZTJPFmZac67SFZsi3YoUnrrE7PMiisTzVdJTTio5g using the Solana Explorer or CLI tools.
    at Connection$1.confirmTransactionUsingLegacyTimeoutStrategy (pb-index.js:339:61258)
    at async Connection$1.confirmTransaction (pb-index.js:339:56700)
    at async E.sendTransaction (solana-aFYDy2Js-BE3Rb0Re.js:7:40079)
    at async ge (solana-aFYDy2Js-BE3Rb0Re.js:7:48239)
    at async signAndSendTransaction (pb-index.js:490:768742)
    at async RelayRoute.send (pb-index.js:494:30619)
    at async Operator.send (pb-index.js:496:81757)
    at async Object.Sr [as onClick] (pb-index.js:692:32413)


artursapek commented 6 months ago

I just tested this again on https://preview.portalbridge.com/b1ba6e856a/. tried a Solana tx to Avalanche and it went through. I also tried one to Ethereum which also went through. it's definitely possible to still get timeouts sometimes, but it should be much less common.


artursapek commented 6 months ago

going to close this for now. if we see more widespread issues happen again we can re-open.

AigaD commented 6 months ago

Tested from: https://deploy-preview-1795--wormhole-connect-mainnet.netlify.app/# Re-opening the ticket For manual transaction the second transaction is started (first has TransactionExpiredTimeoutError: Transaction was not confirmed in 60.00 seconds. ), but for automatic transactions noticed that sometimes three transactions in a row have transaction timeout error.


Screenshot 2024-03-15 at 11 08 26
AigaD commented 6 months ago

Reproduced from: https://preview.portalbridge.com/b05f4e9322/# Transaction timeout is shown for transaction Solana to Osmosis Attachment:

Screenshot 2024-03-19 at 12 57 13
AigaD commented 6 months ago

Tested from: https://deploy-preview-1274--wormhole-connect-mainnet.netlify.app/ First transaction USDC from Solana to Polygon failed main-DFYuu1qs.js:522 TransactionExpiredTimeoutError: Transaction was not confirmed in 60.00 seconds. It is unknown if it succeeded or failed. Second transaction was started.


Screenshot 2024-03-20 at 16 52 06
tsadovska commented 6 months ago

Claim transaction fails with "TransactionExpiredTimeoutError" when sending 0.01 USDC (Ethereum) from Ethereum (MetaMask) to Solana (Phantom). Checked on https://deploy-preview-1274--wormhole-connect-mainnet.netlify.app/ [Mainnet].

Send from tx: Etherscan


AigaD commented 5 months ago

Tested from: https://preview.portalbridge.com/b05f4e9322/# Transactions USDC from Solana (Phantom/Solflare/Exodus wallets) to Polygon fails reason TransactionExpiredTimeoutError: Transaction was not confirmed in 60.00 seconds. Attachment:

Screenshot 2024-03-25 at 10 38 33
tsadovska commented 5 months ago

Issue is reproducible on https://preview.portalbridge.com/8228d00809/ [Mainnet] (v0.2.12-Pbd3e3109b6) when sending 0.00001 SOL from Solana (Phantom) to Fantom (MetaMask).


tsadovska commented 5 months ago

Reproducible on https://deploy-preview-1869--wormhole-connect-mainnet.netlify.app/ [Mainnet] when sending 0.01 SOL from Solana (Phantom) to BSC (MetaMask).

AigaD commented 5 months ago

Reproduced from: https://preview.portalbridge.com/ed4e22522f/# Transaction 0.001 W (Solana) from Solana (Solflare) to Base (Metamask) Native token transfer manual route, failed to start TransactionExpiredTimeoutError: Transaction was not confirmed in 60.00 seconds. Attachment:

Screenshot 2024-04-19 at 08 44 46
AigaD commented 5 months ago

Tested from: https://portalbridge.com/ Two transactions from Solana (Solflare) to Osmosis (leap) that were started expired in 60 seconds TransactionExpiredTimeoutError: Transaction was not confirmed in 60.00 seconds. It is unknown if it succeeded or failed. Attachment:

Screenshot 2024-04-23 at 09 01 13
AigaD commented 4 months ago

Tested from: Mainnet Wormhole Connect: error completing transfer TransactionExpiredTimeoutError: Transaction was not confirmed in 60.00 seconds. It is unknown if it succeeded or failed. is shown when trying to send 0.001 USDC (Solana) from Solana (Solflare) to Base (Metamask) Attachment:

Screenshot 2024-04-30 at 12 34 01
AigaD commented 4 months ago

Reproduced from: https://preview.portalbridge.com/bceadc8c64/# Transaction 0.0001 SOL from Solana (Solflare) to Injective (Leap) fails, reason pb-index-DrUOIUci.js:727 Wormhole Connect: error completing transfer TransactionExpiredTimeoutError: Transaction was not confirmed in 60.00 seconds. It is unknown if it succeeded or failed.


Screenshot 2024-05-07 at 15 44 34
AigaD commented 4 months ago

Tested from: https://portalbridge.com/ pb-index-Bl6bYNaM.js:727 Wormhole Connect: error completing transfer TransactionExpiredTimeoutError: Transaction was not confirmed in 60.00 seconds. was shown for transaction 0.001 SOL from Solana (Solong) to Fantom (Metamask) Attachment:

Screenshot 2024-05-21 at 14 08 44
agodlevska commented 4 months ago

Tested from: https://deploy-preview-2113--wormhole-connect-mainnet.netlify.app/ Transaction 0.001 SOL from Solana (Nightly) to Fantom (Metamask) fails with error Wormhole Connect: error completing transfer TransactionExpiredTimeoutError: Transaction was not confirmed in 60.00 seconds. It is unknown if it succeeded or failed.


Screenshot 2024-05-23 at 09 48 23
tsadovska commented 3 months ago

Reproducible on https://preview.portalbridge.com/3064c36d95/ [Mainnet] when sending 0.002 SOL from Solana (Phantom) to X Layer (MetaMask).

Error appears after clicking on "Approve and proceed with transaction" button:

Wormhole Connect: error completing transfer TransactionExpiredTimeoutError: Transaction was not confirmed in 60.00 seconds. It is unknown if it succeeded or failed. Check signature bMw3zpNqdR1Qigd3xrVYr5sbt8aUiYsdebMo3Wz58jAFP7wA2kP5YmmHeXHGGWSDpn1YGbud8fNNeCLdP2YA6NW using the Solana Explorer or CLI tools.
    at Connection$1.confirmTransactionUsingLegacyTimeoutStrategy (pb-index-DSi4RVd3.js:354:61416)
    at async Connection$1.confirmTransaction (pb-index-DSi4RVd3.js:354:56858)
    at async E.sendTransaction (solana-f9a7wYby-DxCUZcxw.js:7:44807)
    at async Ne (solana-f9a7wYby-DxCUZcxw.js:7:52965)
    at async signAndSendTransaction (pb-index-DSi4RVd3.js:516:72097)
    at async BridgeRoute.send (pb-index-DSi4RVd3.js:516:92596)
    at async Operator.send (pb-index-DSi4RVd3.js:519:93019)
    at async Object.ko [as onClick] (pb-index-DSi4RVd3.js:742:29990)


tsadovska commented 3 months ago

Issue is no longer reproducible on https://wormhole-connect-mainnet.netlify.app/ [Mainnet] with Phantom wallet.

Issue is still reproducible with Nightly, Backpack wallets. Checked on https://wormhole-connect-mainnet.netlify.app/ [Mainnet] and https://preview.portalbridge.com/3b81f32422/ [Mainnet].

Wormhole Connect: error completing transfer WalletSendTransactionError: 90 second timeout: unable to confirm transaction
    at oe.sendTransaction (solana-D8cUoBhF.js:2:49036)
    at async C.sendTransaction (solana-D8cUoBhF.js:2:44693)
    at async De (solana-D8cUoBhF.js:2:52946)
    at async signAndSendTransaction (main-HNR-Orw1.js:506:72760)
    at async BridgeRoute.send (main-HNR-Orw1.js:506:93065)
    at async Operator.send (main-HNR-Orw1.js:509:91731)
    at async Object.nr [as onClick] (main-HNR-Orw1.js:547:35185)


tsadovska commented 2 months ago

Issue is no longer reproducible on https://wormhole-connect-mainnet.netlify.app/ [Mainnet] with following scenarios:

Ticket is closed.