Prepare to send AVAX from Fuji (Brave wallet) to Solana (Brave wallet)
Click on "Swap" button
Actual result: An unexpected error has occurred.
Error: Minified React error #300; visit for the full message or use the non-minified dev environment for full errors and additional helpful warnings.
at Nh (main-0-9QBYvg.js:39:19157)
at cj (main-0-9QBYvg.js:41:3497)
at Vk (main-0-9QBYvg.js:41:49475)
at Uk (main-0-9QBYvg.js:41:43863)
at Tk (main-0-9QBYvg.js:41:43786)
at Ik (main-0-9QBYvg.js:41:43626)
at Nk (main-0-9QBYvg.js:41:39598)
at Ek (main-0-9QBYvg.js:41:40496)
at jg (main-0-9QBYvg.js:39:3536)
at main-0-9QBYvg.js:41:37740
Expected result: Error does not occur after swapping chains.
Describe the current behavior in detail
Checked on [Testnet] with macOS Sonoma 14.4.1 and Brave Browser Version 1.66.115 Chromium: 125.0.64322.112.
Actual result: An unexpected error has occurred.
Expected result: Error does not occur after swapping chains.
Notes/ Attachments