wormhole-foundation / wormhole-connect

Wormhole Connect brings all the functionality and utility of Wormhole right into your application and removes all of the complexity.
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[QA] Link to BaseScan is not displayed in "Send to" section - NTT Manual route #2328

Closed tsadovska closed 4 weeks ago

tsadovska commented 2 months ago

Describe the current behavior in detail

Checked on wormhole-connect-mainnet with macOS Sonoma 14.5 and Google Chrome Version 127.0.6533.89 (Official Build) (arm64).

Scenario checked: 0.00001 W transfer from Solana (Phantom) to Base (MetaMask) with Native Token Transfer Manual route.

Link to BaseScan did not appear in "Send to" section after transaction was completed. Asset is received.

Error in Console:

Error: could not coalesce error (error={ "code": -32603, "data": { "cause": null, "error": { "code": -32016, "message": "over rate limit" }, "id": 3876930157, "jsonrpc": "2.0" }, "message": "Non-200 status code: '429'" }, payload={ "id": 20, "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "eth_getBlockByNumber", "params": [ "0x113cd94", true ] }, code=UNKNOWN_ERROR, version=6.13.1)
    at makeError (main-B_vQ2Uks.js:235:42962)
    at Co.getRpcError (main-B_vQ2Uks.js:236:212926)
    at Co.getRpcError (evm-DHyBQGy7.js:2:7703)
    at main-B_vQ2Uks.js:236:215228

Screenshot 2024-08-06 at 13 26 24

Custom config

  env: 'mainnet',
  useRedesign: true,
  tokensConfig: {
    Wsolana: {
      key: 'Wsolana',
      symbol: 'W',
      nativeChain: 'solana',
      tokenId: {
        chain: 'solana',
        address: '85VBFQZC9TZkfaptBWjvUw7YbZjy52A6mjtPGjstQAmQ',
      icon: 'https://assets.coingecko.com/coins/images/35087/standard/womrhole_logo_full_color_rgb_2000px_72ppi_fb766ac85a.png?1708688954',
      coinGeckoId: 'wormhole',
      decimals: {
        default: 6,
    Wethereum: {
      key: 'Wethereum',
      symbol: 'W',
      nativeChain: 'ethereum',
      tokenId: {
        chain: 'ethereum',
        address: '0xB0fFa8000886e57F86dd5264b9582b2Ad87b2b91',
      icon: 'https://assets.coingecko.com/coins/images/35087/standard/womrhole_logo_full_color_rgb_2000px_72ppi_fb766ac85a.png?1708688954',
      coinGeckoId: 'wormhole',
      decimals: {
        default: 18,
    Warbitrum: {
      key: 'Warbitrum',
      symbol: 'W',
      nativeChain: 'arbitrum',
      tokenId: {
        chain: 'arbitrum',
        address: '0xB0fFa8000886e57F86dd5264b9582b2Ad87b2b91',
      icon: 'https://assets.coingecko.com/coins/images/35087/standard/womrhole_logo_full_color_rgb_2000px_72ppi_fb766ac85a.png?1708688954',
      coinGeckoId: 'wormhole',
      decimals: {
        default: 18,
    Woptimism: {
      key: 'Woptimism',
      symbol: 'W',
      nativeChain: 'optimism',
      tokenId: {
        chain: 'optimism',
        address: '0xB0fFa8000886e57F86dd5264b9582b2Ad87b2b91',
      icon: 'https://assets.coingecko.com/coins/images/35087/standard/womrhole_logo_full_color_rgb_2000px_72ppi_fb766ac85a.png?1708688954',
      coinGeckoId: 'wormhole',
      decimals: {
        default: 18,
    Wbase: {
      key: 'Wbase',
      symbol: 'W',
      nativeChain: 'base',
      tokenId: {
        chain: 'base',
        address: '0xB0fFa8000886e57F86dd5264b9582b2Ad87b2b91',
      icon: 'https://assets.coingecko.com/coins/images/35087/standard/womrhole_logo_full_color_rgb_2000px_72ppi_fb766ac85a.png?1708688954',
      coinGeckoId: 'wormhole',
      decimals: {
        default: 18,
  nttGroups: {
    W: {
      nttManagers: [
          chainName: 'solana',
          address: 'NTtAaoDJhkeHeaVUHnyhwbPNAN6WgBpHkHBTc6d7vLK',
          tokenKey: 'Wsolana',
          transceivers: [
              address: 'NTtAaoDJhkeHeaVUHnyhwbPNAN6WgBpHkHBTc6d7vLK',
              type: 'wormhole',
          solanaQuoter: 'Nqd6XqA8LbsCuG8MLWWuP865NV6jR1MbXeKxD4HLKDJ',
          chainName: 'ethereum',
          address: '0xc072B1AEf336eDde59A049699Ef4e8Fa9D594A48',
          tokenKey: 'Wethereum',
          transceivers: [
              address: '0xDb55492d7190D1baE8ACbE03911C4E3E7426870c',
              type: 'wormhole',
          chainName: 'arbitrum',
          address: '0x5333d0AcA64a450Add6FeF76D6D1375F726CB484',
          tokenKey: 'Warbitrum',
          transceivers: [
              address: '0xD1a8AB69e00266e8B791a15BC47514153A5045a6',
              type: 'wormhole',
          chainName: 'optimism',
          address: '0x1a4F1a790f23Ffb9772966cB6F36dCd658033e13',
          tokenKey: 'Woptimism',
          transceivers: [
              address: '0x9bD8b7b527CA4e6738cBDaBdF51C22466756073d',
              type: 'wormhole',
          chainName: 'base',
          address: '0x5333d0AcA64a450Add6FeF76D6D1375F726CB484',
          tokenKey: 'Wbase',
          transceivers: [
              address: '0xD1a8AB69e00266e8B791a15BC47514153A5045a6',
              type: 'wormhole',
tsadovska commented 4 weeks ago

Issue is not reproducible on https://portalbridge.com/, link to BaseScan is displayed when sending W from Solana (Phantom) to Base (MetaMask) with NTT Manual route.


The only link displayed on wormhole-connect-mainnet is to Wormholescan.

Ticket is closed.