Prepare to swap ETH from Ethereum (MetaMask) to POL on Polygon (MetaMask) with MayanRouteMCTP
Enter a small amount, 0.000001
Check minimal required amount and change the amount, in my case 0.0043
Observe if route is available
Actual result: Warning "No routes found for this transaction." is displayed. The warning is displayed even when a higher amount is entered, 0.015011.
Expected result:
If the route is not available up to a certain amount, the "minimum required amount" warning should be displayed. The route is shown when the minimum required amount is entered.
If the route is not available for any amount entered, the "minimum required amount" warning should not be displayed.
Describe the current behavior in detail
Checked on
Custom config:
Actual result: Warning "No routes found for this transaction." is displayed. The warning is displayed even when a higher amount is entered, 0.015011.
Expected result:
Notes/ Attachments