Prepare to send 0.0001 WSOL from BSC (MetaMask) to Solana (Phantom)
Click on "Review transaction" button
Click on "Confirm transaction" button
Confirm transaction in MetaMask
When Progress screen with countdown is displayed, refresh the page -> open transaction again through the widget -> refresh the page again
Check transaction status and progress bar
Actual result: Sometimes progress bar fills up when the status is "ready to claim". Reproducibility 2/5.
Expected result: Progress bar is displayed as filled when the status is "ready to claim."
Describe the current behavior in detail
Checked on Netlify with following config.
Actual result: Sometimes progress bar fills up when the status is "ready to claim". Reproducibility 2/5. Expected result: Progress bar is displayed as filled when the status is "ready to claim."
Notes/ Attachments