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TPS is completly random #5

Open Turmfalke2 opened 6 years ago

Turmfalke2 commented 6 years ago

hi, I am playing in single player and I am still in the stone age, but I found the TPS to be completly random. For example /tps just showed me this: ` Average TPS over last 200 ticks: 15.17 (lowest: 0.30)
Average TPS over last 20 ticks: 240.96 (lowest: 200.00)
Average TPS over last 5 ticks: 250.00 (lowest: 250.00)


wormzjl commented 6 years ago

What's you rig? Also you can use opis to see the tps variations

Turmfalke2 commented 6 years ago

Nothing special: i5-6600K gtx1070 32G ddr4

What is confusing me the most is when tps goes beyond 20. In game this looks like monsters just teleporting on top of me and hitting me 20 times with in one second. I have had cases were I have seen a bear several chunks away and in the next moment I was dead.

wormzjl commented 6 years ago

Seems like a lagspike to me, it's weired since I haven't seen anything like this during my test. Can you try to add this to java parameters (in launcher config - java/minecraft)? -XX:+UseG1GC

Also make sure you give java 4g memory, but no more than 6g.

wormzjl commented 6 years ago

http://files.player.to/sampler-1.60.1.jar Can you drop this into the mods folder and play for a while. This will generate a log if lagspike is detected, which is located in /stall-reports

Turmfalke2 commented 6 years ago

Turns out I was already using the G1GC. stall-reports.zip

I felt like I had less lag issues today, while I still had some unexpected tps drops I never caught it above 20tps.

wormzjl commented 6 years ago

do you happens to be exploring the world everytime the lagspike hits?

Turmfalke2 commented 6 years ago

Not really. I mean there is a lot of exploring involved in playing the pack, but so far I haven't had issues with chunks not loading in time which is usually a pretty good indication that one exploring to fast.

wormzjl commented 6 years ago

just updated, check if it still lags with 1.0.2

Turmfalke2 commented 6 years ago

Can't find a changelog, but you removed thaumcraft?! I am now going to have holes everywhere in my world?

wormzjl commented 6 years ago

Not really, just some floating cobwebs Edit: back up your world before updating, just in case

Turmfalke2 commented 6 years ago

Given that most of my house/almost all of my support beams are made of great wood I have elected not to update.

wormzjl commented 6 years ago

you can replace them by jumping into creative, people reported that this update really helps with these lagspikes (and crashes) and your fps