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Cryptographic Accumulators for Authenticated Hash Tables #5

Open wanderer opened 5 years ago

wanderer commented 5 years ago

This paper may offer a good alternative to merkle trees.

the answer to a membership query in constant time and supports updates in O (n^ǫ log n) time for any fixed constant 0 < ǫ < 1, yet keeping the communication and verification costs constant. It also lends itself to a scheme that achieves different trade-offs—namely, constant update time and O(n^ǫ) query time.

wanderer commented 5 years ago

currently with merkle mountain ranages update time and proof size are log N

wanderer commented 5 years ago

A better route to go might be vector commitments https://eprint.iacr.org/2011/495.pdf

wanderer commented 5 years ago

prerequisite to VCs http://cs.brown.edu/~mchase/papers/merc.pdf

wanderer commented 5 years ago

on implementing pairings https://crypto.stanford.edu/pbc/thesis.pdf