Closed michaelof closed 4 years ago
Thank you for reporting. The users who are well familiar with RFC, like you are always welcome!
escaping is available but Certainly, not supporting newlines.
I will fix it ASAP.
Last question for this: Any ideas/plans when 0.28 will arrive in CPAN?
Text::vCard::Precisely is up to date (0.27).
on my machine.
just run as:
$ cpanm Text::vCard::Precisely~0.28
Checked with 0.28. \n is now working for address content and note, cool.
But NOT for address LABEL, this example shows:
`#!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use warnings;
use Text::vCard::Precisely::V4;
my $vc = Text::vCard::Precisely::V4->new();
$vc->fn( "Forrest Gump" );
my $adrFormatted = "Waters Edge\nBaytown 30314"; $vc->adr( [ { types => ['HOME'], street => $adrFormatted, label => $adrFormatted } ]);
print $vc->as_file("forrestgump.vcf"); `
Thank you for reporting. My tests were wrong.
I've fixed that. and you can try it with this command:
$ cpanm
the version is still 0.28, but code is the latest.
And you may close it when you satisfy these fixes;
Just tried to test, but got an error:
cpanm Cloning ... FAIL ! Failed cloning git repository ! Couldn't find module or a distribution
git clone etc. works with
cpanm git://
i'm sorry that I told you wrong path. Did you solve it?
because it is public repository, you can get it with https like:
$ cpanm
I'm confused :-) Your patch for #23 itself works, good news, thank you very much!
But, whyever, the UTF-8 issue #22 came back, somehow.
My script, which produced a UTF-8 encoded VCF in 0.27 and 0.28 (cpan version) now produces a WIN-1252 VCF file, without any change made regarding encoding. Means that e.g. Nextcloud imports them, but German umlauts (äöüÄÖÜß) are corrupted.
Tried to narrow down, as I found out that "as_file" and "as_string" results differ:
`#!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use warnings;
use Text::vCard::Precisely::V4; my $vc = Text::vCard::Precisely::V4->new();
my $fn = "Först Last"; printf '%vX', $fn; print "\n"; $vc->fn( $fn );
$vc->as_file("22_af.vcf"); my $str = $vc->as_string();
open my $out, '>', '22_as.vcf' or die; print $out $str; close $out;`
--> as_file file "22_af.vcf" is correctly encoded UTF-8 --> as_string writtten file "22_as.vcf" contains WIN-1252
FYI absolutely no idea why WIN-1252, everything runs on an Linux system.
Remark: I've started with Text::vCard::Precisely::V4, knowing that I'm dealing with lots of vcard. That's why I've used as_string and printed each vcard into a combined addressbook file. Thought at first of course to use your Text::vCard::Precisely::Multiple, but I have no clou how to "pass" a vcard built with Text::vCard::Precisely::V4 to Text::vCard::Precisely::Multiple, whatever I've tried with load_arrayref failed. Got the hint from IRC channel #perl "load_arrayref is expecting an arrayref of hashrefs, not an arrayref of objects", and that maybe " $vcm->add_option($vcard)" might work, although "add_option" not documented as interface.
Tried, but failed also:
Attribute (options) does not pass the type constraint because: Validation failed for 'vCards' with value ARRAY(0x557235e917d0) at native delegation method Text::vCard::Precisely::Multiple::add_option (push) of attribute options (defined at /home/michael/perl5/lib/perl5/Text/vCard/Precisely/ line 25) line 9 Text::vCard::Precisely::Multiple::add_option('Text::vCard::Precisely::Multiple=HASH(0x557230d395a0)', 'Text::vCard::Precisely::V4=HASH(0x55722f442428)') called at ....
Any hints how to use Text::vCard::Precisely::Multiple and Text::vCard::Precisely together, if possible, would be cool.
I didn't have finished to write tests for that yet. give me a moment maybe a week.
I've just remembered that🤨: This module treats strings as 'UTF-8’ with no decoding unless $self->encoding_in/out() was set for any other. And that is NOT recommended by a few reasons so I didn't write that in POD.
the new Issue you've reported is considered that your code is written in WIN-1252, not UTF-8.
Please confirm the encoding of your code.
And for the second half of your report, I will try to fix.
the fastest way to pass in current version is here:
use strict;
use warnings;
use Encode qw(encode_utf8);
use Text::vCard::Precisely; # you can't use Text::vCard::Precisely::V4 yet
my $vc = Text::vCard::Precisely->new( version => '4.0' );
my $fn = "Först Last";
printf '%vX', $fn;
print "\n";
my $str = $vc->as_string();
open my $out, '>', '22_as.vcf' or die $!;
print $out $str;
close $out;
use Text::vCard::Precisely::Multiple;
my $vcm = Text::vCard::Precisely::Multiple->new( version => '4.0' );
$vcm->add_option($vc); # $vc must be Text::vCard::Precisely, not ::V3 or ::V4
$vcm->add_option($_) for $vcm->all_options(); # it accepts the content of $vcm
$vcm->add_option( $vcm->all_options() ); # or all of itself
print encode_utf8 $vcm->as_string();
Of course, I will upgrade this that can be treated as More intuitively;
the new Issue you've reported is considered that your code is written in WIN-1252, not UTF-8.
Please confirm the encoding of your code.
I've a
use utf8;
set for my script, and my editor (jEdit) confirms that the perl file itself is UTF-8. Which is IMHO reasonable as I'm working on a LINUX system (OpenSuse Leap 15.2)
GOOD news:
use Text::vCard::Precisely::Multiple;
my $vcm = Text::vCard::Precisely::Multiple->new( version => '4.0' );
$vcm->add_option($vc); # $vc must be Text::vCard::Precisely, not ::V3 or ::V4
--> SOLVES my issue with WIN-1252, as myvcards.vcf written by Text::vCard::Precisely::Multiple is now UTF-8.
THANKS for the clarification about "...::V4"
(and WOW, just learned by digging into your comment about the ```perl github edtor feature :-))
At your code in the reply, there is no
use utf8;
so I doubted the encoding was not 'UTF-8', but it was.
Yes, I've tried with several versions of the sample script, with use utf8, without, with print encode_utf8, without.
btw, I don't know why but is it fixed without my updating?
Well, Text::vCard::Precisely's "as_file" always produced a UTF-8 vcard. As now, after your great explanation, I'm able to use Text::vCard::Precisely::Multiple and it's "as_file", I'm getting an UTF-8 vcard file by Text::vCard::Precisely::Multiple also.
But when I try to use "as_string" and print myself to a file, this file is WIN-1252, whyever, no idea. Even in your modified example file "22_as.vcf" is shown as "DOS/WINDOWS (\r\n)" and "windows-1252" by jEdit, whereas the "as_file" vcards are shown as "DOS/WINDOWS (\r\n)" and "UTF-8".
Both files are showing "correct" German umlauts äöüÄÖÜß. but when importing the win1252 vcard to Nextcloud, as Nextcloud expects a vcard to be utf-8, I'm getting "Mojibake" (new word for me, got teached by you)
'Mojibake' means as what you expressed 'corrupted'.
okay, I'll take a look as_string()
until next upgrading.
I have to add tests for those Issue #23 #24 #25 until next release, but have updated the codes to be reviewed by you.
tested specifically \n handling for
V3: ADR and NOTE V4: ADR (with LABEL) and NOTE
All working fine, IMHO issue could be closed.
Dear Yuki,
I'm getting errors when importing vcards with newlines. RFC 6350 says "Backslashes, commas, and newlines must be encoded", and it looks like the Text-vCard-Precisely vcards are breaking this, e.g.:
`#!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use warnings;
use Text::vCard::Precisely::V4;
my $vc = Text::vCard::Precisely::V4->new();
$vc->fn( "Forrest Gump" );
my $adrFormatted = "Waters Edge\nBaytown 30314"; $adrFormatted =~ s/\n/\n/g;
$vc->adr( [ {
types => ['HOME'], street => $adrFormatted, label => $adrFormatted } ]);
$vc->note( "I'm\na\nmultiline\nnote");
print $vc->as_file("forrestgump.vcf"); `
result is:
BEGIN:VCARD VERSION:4.0 FN:Forrest Gump ADR;TYPE=HOME;LABEL="Waters Edge\nBaytown 30314":;;Waters Edge\nBaytown 30314;;;; NOTE:I'm a multiline note END:VCARD
As you see, LABEL has correctly masked \n, STREET and NOTE not. Tested with double backslash, helped only for LABEL