wose / satnogs-monitor

Terminal UI monitor for your SatNOGS ground station.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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occasional error: failed to map jobs to observations #33

Closed satcolintel5 closed 2 years ago

satcolintel5 commented 2 years ago

Scheduled jobs occasionally result in the error shown by the satnogs-monitor log option (L) with no tracking or scheduling information displayed. The waterwall of the data will scroll properly during an observation in this error state. The error usually clears within an hour or so on its own.

Error: Failed to map jobs to observations; Failed to deserialize data to struct (in GET or POST): data did not match any variant of untagged enum JobList


observation results for reference

Debian buster latest update satnogs-monitor latest pull scheduling done via satnogs-auto-scheduler and SatNOGS Observations page

wose commented 2 years ago

Thank you for the report. I'll take a look. There may have been some API changes we'll need to incorporate.

satcolintel5 commented 2 years ago

Ah ha! This has been happening again on all three of my ground stations for the last 24 hours (again) and it looks like any satellite in the SatNOGS DB with a description of '-' the 'Mode' field appears the be causing this issue.


When I removed the future observation for Blue Diamond (NORAD 42786) from all three stations, the display error in satnogs-monitor corrected. Red Diamond (NORAD 42783 ) also caused this display error (verified by scheduling a few observations) due to 'Mode' defined as '-' (null). Green Diamond (42785) has Mode defined as 'FM' and does not cause this display problem.

I will make a request in SatNOGS DB to have this updated.

wose commented 2 years ago

Thank you for the additional Info.

Mode is defined as string on our side, but it seems to be an Option<string> instead. That's an easy fix.