wose / satnogs-monitor

Terminal UI monitor for your SatNOGS ground station.
GNU General Public License v3.0
78 stars 5 forks source link

cargo-release: revspec '389fafb' for tui-rs not found #4

Closed kerel-fs closed 4 years ago

kerel-fs commented 4 years ago

Following the installation instructions in the README I get the following error:

$ cargo run --release
    Updating crates.io index
    Updating git repository `https://github.com/wose/rust-gpredict.git`
    Updating git repository `https://github.com/myfreeweb/systemstat.git`
    Updating git repository `https://github.com/wose/tui-rs.git`
error: failed to load source for a dependency on `tui`

Caused by:
  Unable to update https://github.com/wose/tui-rs.git#389fafb1

Caused by:
  revspec '389fafb1acc101c35b31a820b7d5ad882fce144f' not found; class=Reference (4); code=NotFound (-3)

My guess is that this was caused by a force-push to wose/tui-rs, such that the old commit (which is referenced in Cargo.lock) got orphaned.

Running cargo update -p tui fixed this problem (unfortunately I run into an other problem with building tui now, will follow-up via satnogs-forum).

wose commented 4 years ago

Thx @kerel-fs ,

good catch! You're right. This was me doing some things in the wrong order. I'll setup some CI to catch those errors sooner.