wosugi / compressive-bilateral-filter

This is an official sample code of the compressive bilateral filter, which is published on IEEE Transactions on Image Processing in 2015. It is open to public under the MIT license.
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Fast Compressive Bilateral Filter #2

Open RoyiAvital opened 6 years ago

RoyiAvital commented 6 years ago


In your paper Fast Compressive Bilateral Filter you suggest even faster implementation to the Compressive Bilateral Filter and also mention this repository.

Which one is implemented in this repository?

wosugi commented 6 years ago

Hello. The former one is not a paper of mine; the latter is one of mine though. This repository implemented the latter one. Could you read "readme.md"? It must describe this information clearly.

RoyiAvital commented 6 years ago

The README.md is OK. It was my mistake where I thought since the paper links to this repository it means this is also the implementation while in fact it only used it as reference.

It looks really promising, this Fast Compressive Bilateral Filter. It should have your quality in even faster package. You inspired someone :-).

RoyiAvital commented 6 years ago

By the way, there is no Issues section for the O(1) Filter.

I was wondering, is there a paper behind them? On first look they seem straight forward efficient implementation, where is the O(1)?