Open joffreypersia opened 1 year ago
Can you provide a code snippet so I can reproduce the bug?
Can you provide a code snippet so I can reproduce the bug?
Thank you for your quick answer, it is the first time I am trying to use Sortable.js and your package.
Unfortunately, I can't give you the snippet because my app is quite complex and I am working with a team.
To clarify what I did :
npm install sortablejs --save
Then in my app.js (Laravel/Livewire app)
I added the lines
// app.js
import '@nextapps-be/livewire-sortablejs';
Then In my Livewire table component is something like :
// table-structure.blade.php
'headerType' => 'default', // sticky, default
'orderable' => false,
{{ $attributes->merge(['class' => 'min-w-full']) }}
orderable: @entangle('orderable'),
init() {
$nextTick(() => {
console.log('orderable', this.orderable);
if (this.orderable) {
const elements = document.querySelectorAll('tbody[sortable]');
elements.forEach(element => {
let sortable = Sortable.create(element);
<thead class="">
{{ $head }}
<tbody class="divide-shade-200 dark:divide-shade-600 divide-y" @if($orderable) sortable wire:sortable="updateOrder" wire:sortable.options="{ animation: 100 }" @endif>
{{ $body }}
And I passed the cell infos through the parent component table
'orderable' => false,
<div class="bg-white dark:bg-shade-700 border border-shade-200 dark:border-shade-600 rounded">
<x-table-structure :orderable="$orderable">
<x-slot name="head"></x-slot>
<x-slot name="body">
@forelse ($table['items'] as $item)
wire:sortable.item="{{ $item['id'] }}"
wire:key="task-{{ $item['id'] }}"
<x-table.cell class="w-4 cursor-grab" wire:sortable.handle >
<x-heroicon-s-bars-2 class="w-4 h-4 text-shade-500 dark:text-shade-400"/>
@foreach($table['config'] as $col)
<x-table.cell class="{{ $col['width'] }}">
{{-- empty --}}
<img src="{{ $item[$col['name']] }}" class="w-full h-12 object-contain"
<a href="{{ $item[$col['name']] }}" target="_blank">{{ $item[$col['name']] }}</a>
{{ $item[$col['name']] }}
<x-table.cell colspan="{{sizeof($table['config'])}}">
<div class="flex justify-center items-center space-x-2">
class="font-medium py-8 text-cool-gray-400 text-xl">{{ __('mdall.No items found') }}</span>
--> Should I add more lines inside my app.js ? Should I import and load Sortable.js ? --> Should I add something to initialize Sortable ?
EDIT : It is working, my nextTick wasn't correct, I made the change and update the code above
I have an other trouble with the communication with the class...
I added this function in my class attached to my livewire component
public function updateOrder() {
And as you can see above my tbody line aim this function
<tbody wire:sortable="updateOrder">
But the die and dump
doesn't get triggered.
Have you an idea ?
Am I correct in saying that you are adding Sortable instances yourself using Javascript? (code snippet from your comment above)
{{ $attributes->merge(['class' => 'min-w-full']) }}
orderable: @entangle('orderable'),
init() {
$nextTick(() => {
console.log('orderable', this.orderable);
if (this.orderable) {
const elements = document.querySelectorAll('tbody[sortable]');
elements.forEach(element => {
let sortable = Sortable.create(element);
Because then it is normal that the Livewire method is not triggered, because you have to configure a lot of stuff when creating the Sortable instance in order to get that working
I just installed the package according to the instructions (from npm + added the lines in the app.js). I added the attributes to the differents elements like the doc :
But the handle doesn't do anything when I am clicking and dragging.
Is there a way to make sure the elements are correctly loaded ? I am trying to use the inside a tbody (to drag / sort
) Should I also import and assign to thewindow
Sortable ? or is it included in your instructions ?Thank you