wouterlucas / meta-cryptocurrency

OpenEmbedded/Yocto layer for cryptocurrency related projects
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Could not find jansson library #1

Open jdbravo opened 6 years ago

jdbravo commented 6 years ago


I tried to bitbake cgminer using this layer but I get this error: | checking for JANSSON... no | configure: error: Could not find jansson library - please install jansson >= 2.6 | WARNING: exit code 1 from a shell command.

I tried with morty and poky. It's fetching and compiling jansson library. I'm using ubuntu 16.04.

Any idea?

wouterlucas commented 6 years ago

Jansson should be in meta-openembedded: meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/jansson/

Can you check if that has been build correctly? cgminer should have a dependency on it and it should automatically find it.

If that doesn't work you can try relying on the in-source jansson by removing this from the package config: https://github.com/wouterlucas/meta-cryptocurrency/blob/master/recipes-miners/cgminer/cgminer.inc#L11

That would force cgminer to build jansson from its own source.