wovalle / fireorm

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There is a way to auto query subcollections? #299

Open iamgbayer opened 2 years ago

iamgbayer commented 2 years ago

As the title said when I'm querying a document that contains a subcollection, can this subcollection be automatically queried?

In this example, wishes is a subcollection of the document wishlist, but since I receive wishes not queried, I need to query it manually


I've recently started using this amazing orm, sorry if I'm doing something wrong

wovalle commented 2 years ago


I'm sorry for the late response but sadly I there's no way to query subcollections directly before fetching the collection. That's because the path must be constructed before querying a subcollection and so far we have no way of doing this in userland.

I'm open to suggestions though

gelouko commented 1 year ago

A suggestion would be to set eager loading properties when querying the data: (This is my first time seeing this repo, I haven't used it yet haha! So sorry if the following code makes no sense at all)

// Entity
import { Collection, SubCollection, ISubCollection } from 'fireorm';

class Album {
  id: string;
  name: string;
  year: number;

export class Band {
  id: string;
  name: string;
  formationYear: number;
  genres: Array<string>;

  albums?: ISubCollection<Album>;
const band = await bandRepository
  .whereGreaterThan(band => band.formationYear, 1985)
  .whereArrayCointain(band => band.genres, 'progressive-rock')
  .eagerLoad(band => band.albums) // <- when querying, state which properties are subcollections that should be eager loaded.

console.log(band.albums.map(album => album.name) // correctly prints the albums' names
// QueryBuilder

function eagerLoad(...props: IWherePropParam<T>[]) {
  for (const prop of props) {
    if (isSubcollection) { // check if the property has the subCollection decorator
// BaseFirestoreRepository

async execute(
    queries: Array<IFireOrmQueryLine>,
    limitVal?: number,
    orderByObj?: IOrderByParams,
    single?: boolean,
    customQuery?: ICustomQuery<T>
    eagerLoadedProps?: IWherePropParam<T>[]
  ): Promise<T[]> {
    let query = queries.reduce<Query>((acc, cur) => {
      const op = cur.operator as WhereFilterOp;
      return acc.where(cur.prop, op, cur.val);
    }, this.firestoreColRef);

    const executedQuery = query.get().then(this.extractTFromColSnap);

    // The following code definitely does not work, but I think it will explain the idea
    if (executedQuery.eagerLoadedProps) {
       return await Promise.all(eagerLoadedProps.map((prop) => executedQuery.propName = firestore.getAll(prop())))

    return executedQuery

I know this is not the correct code, but I hope it could give some light on a solution for this :)