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[ongoing] Issue Tracking Platform #21

Open DX4D opened 4 years ago

DX4D commented 4 years ago

Moving forward, using github for tracking may get tough to navigate. We may eventually need something that supports tabs and groups. As the project grows we may have hundreds of active issues open at the same time.

If there is not a better alternative we should consider creating one ourselves.

Would also be nice to merge these two gits and have a different tab for each instead of two separate gits, the ability to prioritize and tag issues, and be able to edit and update issues without following extra links around the site.

Trello is not the answer either...it does not meet the Fast UX requirement...we should investigate other solutions. Workflow is most important...saving a few seconds here and there will add up to major time savings over the life of this project.

DX4D commented 4 years ago

This site offers a comprehensive list of tracker software and has a lot of good filtering capability: https://www.capterra.com/issue-tracking-software/

We need more than just an inline list for a project of this magnitude. Our solution should allow us to edit and post issues in the fastest possible manner.

Our Major Requirements:

-FAST UX - We should be able to do it all from one page without following links all over the place. -Tabs or Folders - We should be able to quickly navigate open issues to find what we want...even with 200 open issues.

Our Secondary Requirements:

-Free or inexpensive - Not a Free Trial -No assignment bs that makes one user depend on another to close issues or edit things. -We need more options than just Open and Closed issues (bonus if we can specify custom statuses) -Ideally the solution should support Tagging and Grouping of issues...this is not a valid substitute for Tabs and Folders though. -Able to edit from a website without needing to download extra software to our machines. -Android App support would be a massive plus -Access tiers for different users would be a plus also, but less of a requirement. (Example: Contributors and testers can see different issues.)

DX4D commented 4 years ago

We will continue with git issues for now with a new Naming Scheme for issues to better organize.

We will revisit this issue as the project grows.